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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Araki, Kiwako S.; Shimatani, Ichiro K.; Ohara, MasashiGenet dynamics and its variation among genets of a clonal plant Convallaria keiskei-Oikos-Apr-2023
article (author version)Tsuzuki, Yoichi; Takada, Takenori; Ohara, MasashiModeling temporal dynamics of genetic diversity in stage-structured plant populations with reference to demographic genetic structure-Theoretical Population Biology-Dec-2022
article (author version)Tsujimoto, Ryutaro; Ohara, MasashiExplosive wind-pollination in a monoecious plant, Laportea bulbifera (Urticaceae)-Plant Species Biology-Sep-2022
article (author version)Tsuzuki, Yoichi; Ohara, MasashiTemporal skewness of pollination success in the spring ephemeral Trillium camschatcense-Science of nature-27-Jun-2022
article (author version)Maekawa, Ryo; Mitani, Takuya; Ishizaki, Satomi; Kubota, Shosei; Ohara, MasashiAsymmetrical hybridization between Trillium apetalon and T. tschonoskii for the formation of a hybrid T. miyabeanum (Melanthiaceae)-Plant Systematics and Evolution-Apr-2022
article (author version)Tsuzuki, Yoichi; Sato, Mitsuhiko P.; Matsuo, Ayumi; Suyama, Yoshihisa; Ohara, MasashiGenetic consequences of habitat fragmentation in a perennial plant Trillium camschatcense are subjected to its slow-paced life history-Population Ecology-Jan-2022
article (author version)Umekawa, Taketo; Wakana, Isamu; Ohara, MasashiReproductive behavior and role in maintaining an aggregative form of the freshwater green alga Marimo, Aegagropila linnaei, in Lake Akan, Hokkaido, Japan-Aquatic Botany-Jan-2021
article (author version)Araki, Kiwako; Shimatani, Kenichiro; Ohara, MasashiFloral distribution, clonal structure, and their effects on pollination success in a self-incompatible Convallaria keiskei population in northern Japan-Plant Ecology-Apr-2007
article (author version)Kameyama, Yoshiaki; Ohara1, MasashiPredominance of clonal reproduction, but recombinant origins of new genotypes in the free-floating aquatic bladderwort Utricularia australis f. tenuicaulis (Lentibulariaceae)-Journal of Plant Research-Jul-2006
bulletin (article)宮下, 京子; 松田, 晴光; 大原, 雅; 三澤, 為一; 島本, 義也ツルマメおよびダイズにおける開放花と閉鎖花の着花・結実動態Flowering and Fruiting Dynamics of Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous Flowers in Wild and Cultivated Soybeans北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University29-Mar-1999
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


Hokkaido University