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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Hatta, E.; Nishimura, T.Distribution of cooperative unit size of amphiphilic molecules in the phase coexistence region in Langmuir monolayers-Journal of Colloid and Interface Science-1-Feb-2013
theses (doctoral)Hatta, EijiElectron Tunneling Spectroscopic Analysis of Narrow-Gap Semiconductor Antimony Telluride and Semimetal Antimonyナローギャップ半導体Sb2Te3ならびに半金属Sbの電子トンネル分光解析--30-Sep-1997
articleHatta, Eiji; Nihei, KoEmergence of a linear slope region of the isotherm in the first-order liquid-expanded-liquid-condensed phase transition in Langmuir monolayers-Physical Review E-1-Aug-2019
articleHatta, E.; Maekawa, T.; Mukasa, K.; Shimoyama, Y.Spin-glass behavior in CoSt2 Langmuir-Blodgett multilayer films-Physical Review B-1-Dec-1999
article (author version)Hatta, E.; Nihei, K.Statistical mechanical determination of nanocluster size distributions in the phase coexistence region of a first order phase transition from the isotherms of DMPC monolayers at the air-water interface-Physical chemistry chemical physics-21-Oct-2021
articleHatta, E.; Nagao, J.Topological manifestations of surface-roughening collapse in Langmuir monolayers-Physical Review E-29-Apr-2003
articleHatta, E.; Nagao, J.; Mukasa, K.Tunneling through a narrow-gap semiconductor with different conduction- and valence-band effective masses-Journal of Applied Physics-1-Feb-1996
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7


Hokkaido University