Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article (author version) | Sawagashira, Ryo; Tanaka, Masaki | Nicotine promotes the utility of short-term memory during visual search in macaque monkeys | - | Psychopharmacology | - | 1-Sep-2022 |
article | Ken-ichi, Okada; Ryuji, Takeya; Masaki, Tanaka | Neural signals regulating motor synchronization in the primate deep cerebellar nuclei | - | Nature Communications | - | 6-May-2022 |
article (author version) | Uematsu, Akiko; Tanaka, Masaki | Effects of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Inputs on Temporal Prediction Signals in the Primate Cerebellar Nucleus | - | Neuroscience | - | 1-Feb-2022 |
article (author version) | Tanaka, Masaki; Kunimatsu, Jun; Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Kameda, Masashi; Ohmae, Shogo; Uematsu, Akiko; Takeya, Ryuji | Roles of the Cerebellum in Motor Preparation and Prediction of Timing | - | Neuroscience | - | 10-May-2021 |
article | Takeya, Ryuji; Nakamura, Shuntaro; Tanaka, Masaki | Spontaneous grouping of saccade timing in the presence of task-irrelevant objects | - | PLoS ONE | - | 16-Mar-2021 |
article | Matsuyama, Kei; Tanaka, Masaki | Temporal Prediction Signals for Periodic Sensory Events in the Primate Central Thalamus | - | Journal of neuroscience | - | 3-Mar-2021 |
article | Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Inoue, Ken-Ichi; Takada, Masahiko; Tanaka, Masaki | Effects of Optogenetic Suppression of Cortical Input on Primate Thalamic Neuronal Activity during Goal-Directed Behavior | - | eNeuro | - | 3-Mar-2021 |
article | Sawagashira, Ryo; Tanaka, Masaki | Ketamine-Induced Alteration of Working Memory Utility during Oculomotor Foraging Task in Monkeys | - | eNeuro | - | Mar-2021 |
article | Itoh, Takeshi D.; Takeya, Ryuji; Tanaka, Masaki | Spatial and temporal adaptation of predictive saccades based on motion inference | - | Scientific reports | - | 24-Mar-2020 |
article | Kameda, Masashi; Ohmae, Shogo; Tanaka, Masaki | Entrained neuronal activity to periodic visual stimuli in the primate striatum compared with the cerebellum | - | Elife | - | 6-Sep-2019 |
article | Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Tanaka, Masaki | Neural oscillations in the primate caudate nucleus correlate with different preparatory states for temporal production | - | Communications biology | - | 14-Mar-2019 |
article | Takeya, Ryuji; Patel, Aniruddh D.; Tanaka, Masaki | Temporal Generalization of Synchronized Saccades Beyond the Trained Range in Monkeys | - | Frontiers in Psychology | - | 6-Nov-2018 |
article | Kunimatsu, Jun; Suzuki, Tomoki W; Ohmae, Shogo; Tanaka, Masaki | Different contributions of preparatory activity in the basal ganglia and cerebellum for self-timing | - | Elife | - | 2-Jul-2018 |
article (author version) | Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Tanaka, Masaki | Causal Role of Noradrenaline in the Timing of Internally Generated Saccades in Monkeys | Causal role of noradrenaline in the timing of internally-generated saccades in monkeys | Neuroscience | - | 16-Dec-2017 |
article | Takeya, Ryuji; Kameda, Masashi; Patel, Aniruddh D.; Tanaka, Masaki | Predictive and tempo-flexible synchronization to a visual metronome in monkeys | - | Scientific reports | - | 21-Jul-2017 |
article | Ohmae, Shogo; Kunimatsu, Jun; Tanaka, Masaki | Cerebellar Roles in Self-Timing for Sub- and Supra-Second Intervals | - | The Journal of Neuroscience | - | 29-Mar-2017 |
article (author version) | Uematsu, Akiko; Ohmae, Shogo; Tanaka, Masaki | Facilitation of temporal prediction by electrical stimulation to the primate cerebellar nuclei | - | Neuroscience | - | 27-Mar-2017 |
article (author version) | Kunimatsu, Jun; Tanaka, Masaki | Striatal dopamine modulates timing of self-initiated saccades | - | Neuroscience | - | 19-Nov-2016 |
article | Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Kunimatsu, Jun; Tanaka, Masaki | Correlation between Pupil Size and Subjective Passage of Time in Non-Human Primates | - | Journal of neuroscience | - | 2-Nov-2016 |
article | Kunimatsu, Jun; Suzuki, Tomoki W.; Tanaka, Masaki | Implications of Lateral Cerebellum in Proactive Control of Saccades | - | Journal of neuroscience | - | 29-Jun-2016 |