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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Miyazaki, Taisuke; Yamasaki, Miwako; Tanaka, Kenji F.; Watanabe, MasahikoCompartmentalized Input-Output Organization of Lugaro Cells in the Cerebellar Cortex-Neuroscience-10-May-2021
article (author version)Ichikawa, Ryoichi; Hashimoto, Kouichi; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Uchigashima, Motokazu; Yamasaki, Miwako; Aiba, Atsu; Kano, Masanobu; Watanabe, MasahikoTerritories of heterologous inputs onto Purkinje cell dendrites are segregated by mGluR1-dependent parallel fiber synapse eliminationmGluR1-mediated parallel fiber synapse eliminationProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)-23-Feb-2016
articleKonno, Kohtarou; Matsuda, Keiko; Nakamoto, Chihiro; Uchigashima, Motokazu; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Yamasaki, Miwako; Sakimura, Kenji; Yuzaki, Michisuke; Watanabe, MasahikoEnriched Expression of GluD1 in Higher Brain Regions and Its Involvement in Parallel Fiber-Interneuron Synapse Formation in the Cerebellum-Journal of Neuroscience-28-May-2014
articleKudo, Takehiro; Uchigashima, Motokazu; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Konno, Kohtarou; Yamasaki, Miwako; Yanagawa, Yuchio; Minami, Masabumi; Watanabe, MasahikoThree types of neurochemical projection from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis to the ventral tegmental area in adult mice.-The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience-12-Dec-2012
articleIwakura, Atsushi; Uchigashima, Motokazu; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Yamasaki, Miwako; Watanabe, MasahikoLack of Molecular-Anatomical Evidence for GABAergic Influence on Axon Initial Segment of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells by the Pinceau Formation-The Journal of Neuroscience-4-Jul-2012
articleMiyazaki, Taisuke; Yamasaki, Miwako; Hashimoto, Kouichi; Yamazaki, Maya; Abe, Manabu; Usui, Hiroshi; Kano, Masanobu; Sakimura, Kenji; Watanabe, MasahikoCa(v)2.1 in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Regulates Competitive Excitatory Synaptic Wiring, Cell Survival, and Cerebellar Biochemical Compartmentalization-JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE-25-Jan-2012
articleIchikawa, Ryoichi; Yamasaki, Miwako; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Konno, Kohtarou; Hashimoto, Kouichi; Tatsumi, Haruyuki; Inoue, Yoshiro; Kano, Masanobu; Watanabe, MasahikoDevelopmental switching of perisomatic innervation from climbing fibers to basket cell fibers in cerebellar Purkinje cells.-The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience-23-Nov-2011
article (author version)Miyazaki, Taisuke; Watanabe, MasahikoDevelopment of an anatomical technique for visualizing the mode of climbing fiber innervation in Purkinje cells and its application to mutant mice lacking GluRδ2 and Cav2.1-Anatomical Science International-Mar-2011
articleMiyazaki, Taisuke; Hashimoto, Kouichi; Shin, Hee-Sup; Kano, Masanobu; Watanabe, MasahikoP/Q-type Ca2+ channel alpha1A regulates synaptic competition on developing cerebellar Purkinje cells.-The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience-18-Feb-2004
articleIchikawa, Ryoichi; Miyazaki, Taisuke; Kano, Masanobu; Hashikawa, Tsutomu; Tatsumi, Haruyuki; Sakimura, Kenji; Mishina, Masayoshi; Inoue, Yoshiro; Watanabe, MasahikoDistal extension of climbing fiber territory and multiple innervation caused by aberrant wiring to adjacent spiny branchlets in cerebellar Purkinje cells lacking glutamate receptor GluRδ2-The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience-1-Oct-2002
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


Hokkaido University