Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 20 of 56
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton along north-south transects (165°E and 165°W) in summer in the North Pacific: an analysis with an optical plankton counter | - | Plankton and Benthos Research | - | Nov-2010 |
article (author version) | Maekakuchi, Marie; Matsuno, Kohei; Yamamoto, Jun; Abe, Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Abundance, horizontal and vertical distribution of epipelagic ctenophores and scyphomedusae in the northern Bering Sea in summer 2017 and 2018 : Quantification by underwater video imaging analysis | - | Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography | - | Dec-2020 |
article (author version) | Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Imai, Ichiro | Biomass size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Chukchi Sea during the summers of 1991/1992 and 2007/2008: an analysis using optical plankton counter data | - | ICES Journal of Marine Science | - | Sep-2012 |
article | Matsuno, Kohei; Kim, Hye Seon; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Causes of under- or overestimation of zooplankton biomass using optical plankton counter (OPC) : effect of size and taxa | - | Plankton & benthos research | - | Nov-2009 |
article (author version) | Fukai, Yuri; Matsuno, Kohei; Fujiwara, Amane; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | The community composition of diatom resting stages in sediments of the northern Bering Sea in 2017 and 2018: the relationship to the interannual changes in the extent of the sea ice | - | Polar biology | - | Oct-2019 |
bulletin (article) | Abe, Yoshiyuki; Hildebrandt, Nicole; Matsuno, Kohei; Niehoff, Barbara; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Comparison of the vertical distribution of pelagic copepod abundance, biomass and community structure between the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic Ocean | - | 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 | Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | 24-Aug-2020 |
dataset | 濱尾, 優介; 松野, 孝平; 飯田, 高大; 山口, 篤 | [Dataset] 2021年秋季北海道太平洋沿岸における単細胞生物の細胞数密度データ | [Dataset] Cell number density data of unicellular organisms along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido during the fall of 2021 | - | - | 10-May-2022 |
dataset | Fukai, Yuri; Matsuno, Kohei; Fujiwara, Amane; Suzuki, Koji; Richlen, Mindy; Fachon, Evangeline; Anderson, Donald M. | [Dataset] Impact of sea-ice dynamics on the spatial distribution of diatom resting stages in sediments of the Pacific-Arctic Ocean | - | - | - | 10-Feb-2021 |
article (author version) | Nakano, Tsubasa; Matsuno, Kohei; Nishizawa, Bungo; Iwahara, Yuka; Mitani, Yoko; Yamamoto, Jun; Sakurai, Yasunori; Watanuki, Yutaka | Diets and body condition of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea | - | Polar biology | - | Jun-2016 |
article | Sasaki, Hiroko; Matsuno, Kohei; Fujiwara, Amane; Onuka, Misaki; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Ueno, Hiromichi; Watanuki, Yutaka; Kikuchi, Takashi | Distribution of Arctic and Pacific copepods and their habitat in the northern Bering and Chukchi seas | - | Biogeosciences | - | 12-Aug-2016 |
article | Inaba, Nobuharu; Kodama, Isamu; Nagai, Satoshi; Shiraishi, Tomotaka; Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Imai, Ichiro | Distribution of Harmful Algal Growth-Limiting Bacteria on Artificially Introduced Ulva and Natural Macroalgal Beds | - | Applied sciences | - | Aug-2020 |
article | Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Homma, Tomoe; Saito, Rui; Matsuno, Kohei; Ueno, Hiromichi; Hirawake, Toru; Imai, Ichiro | East-west differences in population structure and vertical distribution of copepods along 47°N in the subarctic Pacific in June 2009 | - | Plankton & benthos research : a joint journal of the Plankton Society of Japan & the Japanese Association of Benthology | - | Aug-2013 |
bulletin (article) | Egashira, Kosuke; Huang, Yu-Sin; Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | East-west differences of the microplankton community along the 47°N transect in the subarctic Pacific during the summer of 2021 | - | 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 | Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | 4-Aug-2024 |
article | Kimura, Fumihiko; Matsuno, Kohei; Abe, Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Effects of Early Sea-Ice Reduction on Zooplankton and Copepod Population Structure in the Northern Bering Sea During the Summers of 2017 and 2018 | - | Frontiers in Marine Science | - | 2022 |
article | Watanabe, Eiji; Onodera, Jonaotaro; Harada, Naomi; Honda, Makio C.; Kimoto, Katsunori; Kikuchi, Takashi; Nishino, Shigeto; Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Ishida, Akio; Kishi, Michio J. | Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump | - | Nature Communications | - | 27-May-2014 |
article (author version) | Landeira, Jose M.; Matsuno, Kohei; Tanaka, Yuji; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | First record of the larvae of tanner crab Chionoecetes bairdi in the Chukchi Sea: A future northward expansion in the Arctic? | - | Polar Science | - | Jun-2018 |
article (author version) | Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Shimada, Koji; Imai, Ichiro | Horizontal distribution of calanoid copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during the summer of 2008 | - | Polar Science | - | Apr-2012 |
article (author version) | Matsuno, Kohei; Ichinomiya, Mutsuo; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Imai, Ichiro; Kikuchi, Takashi | Horizontal distribution of microprotist community structure in the western Arctic Ocean during late summer and early fall of 2010 | - | Polar Biology | - | Aug-2014 |
article (author version) | Matsuno, Kohei; Kanna, Naoya; Sugiyama, Shin; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Yang, Eun Jin | Impacts of meltwater discharge from marine-terminating glaciers on the protist community in Inglefield Bredning, northwestern Greenland | - | Marine ecology progress series | - | 28-May-2020 |
bulletin (article) | Matsuno, Kohei; Fujiwara, Amane; Hirawake, Toru; Yamaguchi, Atsushi | Ingestion rates and grazing impacts of Arctic and Pacific copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during autumn | - | 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 | Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | 9-Dec-2019 |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 56