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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Watanabe, MasamiNano-structure of Carbons Deposited from CH4 Blowing to and Injecting into Molten Slag-ISIJ International-Aug-2012
articleSon, Pham Khanh; Kashiwaya, YoshiakiPhosphorous Partition in Dephosphorization Slag Occurring with Crystallization at Initial Stage of Solidification-ISIJ International-15-Sep-2008
articleKawaguchi, Takazo; Kashiwaya, YoshiakiPreface to the Special Issue on "Recycling of Wastes and Environmental Problems"-ISIJ International-15-Mar-2000
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kanbe, Motomichi; Ishii, KuniyoshiQuantitative Estimation of Coupling Phenomenon between Reduction and Gasification on the Facing Pair of Iron Oxide and Graphite-ISIJ International-Nov-2006
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kanbe, Motomichi; Ishii, KuniyoshiReaction Behavior of Facing Pair between Hematite and Graphite : A Coupling Phenomenon of Reduction and Gasification-ISIJ International-15-Aug-2001
articleKuranaga, Taichi; Sasaki, Yasushi; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, KuniyoshiRupture Phenomena of Molten Na2O・2SiO2 Thin Films-ISIJ International-15-Jun-1999
articleNogami, Hiroshi; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Yamada, DaisukeSimulation of Blast Furnace Operation with Intensive Hydrogen Injection-ISIJ International-Aug-2012
articleZhao, Chong; Jung, Sung-Mo; Kashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Gaye, Henri; Lee, Hae-GeonSimulation Test for Crystallization of Inclusions in Semi-killed Steels during Heat Treatment Prior to Hot Rolling-ISIJ International-15-Jun-2008
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Tsubone, Akira; Ishii, Kuniyoshi; Sasamoto, HirohikoThermodynamic Analysis on the Dust Generation from EAF for the Recycling of Dust-ISIJ International-15-Oct-2004
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Hasegawa, MasakatsuThermodynamics of Impurities in Pure Iron Obtained by Hydrogen Reduction-ISIJ International-Aug-2012
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, KuniyoshiWater Gas Shift Reaction and Effect of Gasification Reaction in Packed-bed under Heating-up Condition-ISIJ International-15-Apr-2019
article石井, 邦宜; 柏谷, 悦章; 山口, 英良; 近藤, 眞一オンライン数式シミュレーションを併用した高炉装入物の模擬試験法Simulation of Burdens in Blast Furnace Using On-line Mathematical Simulator鉄と鋼-1-Dec-1986
article柏谷, 悦章; 高丸, 広毅; 石井, 邦宜コークスの開気孔・閉気孔の割合とミクロ気孔の存在場所Location of Micro-pore and the Ratio of Open/Closed Pore in the Cokes鉄と鋼-1-Aug-2003
article柏谷, 悦章; 中谷, 庄一; 石井, 邦宜コークスガス化反応に対する鉄添加の影響Effect of Fe Addition on Coke Gasification鉄と鋼-1-Jun-1991
article高丸, 広毅; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜コークスガス化反応のその場観察と灰分の挙動In Situ Observation of Coke Gasification and Behavior of Ash鉄と鋼-1-Jul-2004
article山本, 雄一郎; 柏谷, 悦章; 西村, 勝; 窪田, 征弘マイクロX線CTを用いたコークス組織の三次元解析3D Analysis of Coke Microstructure Using μ-X-ray CT鉄と鋼-1-Feb-2009
article石井, 邦宜; 柏谷, 悦章; 近藤, 真一一酸化炭素から純鉄上に析出した炭素の形態Morphology of Carbon Deposited on Pure Iron from Carbon Monoxide日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsAug-1986
article柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜一酸化炭素から純鉄板上へ析出した炭素の形態と繊維状炭素の析出機構Morphology of Carbon Deposited from Carbon Monoxide and Mechanism of Formation of Carbon Fiber日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsNov-1988
article何, 国偉; 石井, 邦宜; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 高橋, 平七郎金属溶解におけるアルゴンアークプラズマの温度分布Temperatures of Metallic and Ar Atoms in Ar Arc Plasma on Melting of Metal鉄と鋼-1-Nov-1996
article何, 国偉; 石井, 邦宜; 柏谷, 悦章; 粥川, 尚之金属溶解用アルゴンアークプラズマのAr原子の遷移確率Atomic Transition Probabilities of Ar Arc Plasma for Metal Melting鉄と鋼-1-Apr-1996
Showing results 21 to 40 of 53
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