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article (author version)Usuda, Noboru; Shirakawa, Kazuki; Hatano, Kei; Abe, Masaki O.; Yunoki, Takahiro; Yano, TokuoCoherence between oscillations in the cardiorespiratory system and tissue oxygen index in muscle recovering from intensive exercise in humans-Physiology International-Sep-2019
articleYano, T.; Widjaja, W.; Shirakawa, K.; Lian, C-S; Xiao, Z.; Yunoki, T.Coherence between tissue oxygen indexes in vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius in repetition of impulse exercise with high intensity-Acta physiologica hungarica-Jun-2015
articleYANO, T.; LIAN, C.-S.; ARIMITSU, T.; YAMANAKA, R.; AFROUNDEH, R.; SHIRAKAWA, K.; YUNOKI, T.Comparison of Oscillation of Oxygenation in Skeletal Muscle Between Early and Late Phases in Prolonged Exercise-Physiological Research-Jun-2013
bulletin (article)Yano, T; Afroundeh, R; Arimitsu, T; Yunoki, TDifference between low and high intensity exercises in the amplitude of oscillation of tissue oxygen index.低強度および高強度運動時の組織酸素指数の振動の差異北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University23-Dec-2019
article (author version)Afroundeh, Roghayyeh; Arimitsu, Takuma; Yamanaka, Ryo; Lian, Chang-shun; Yunoki, Takahiro; Yano, TokuoEffect of arterial carbon dioxide on ventilation during recovery from impulse exercises of various intensities-Acta Physiologica Hungarica-Sep-2012
articleAfroundeh, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Lian, C. S.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.; Yano, T.Effect of Work Intensity on Time Delay in Mediation of Ventilation by Arterial Carbon Dioxide During Recovery From Impulse Exercise-Physiological Research-Sep-2014
article (author version)Matsuura, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yunoki, T.; Kimura, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Yano, T.Effects of deception for intensity on surface electromyogram (SEMG) activity and blood lactate concentration during intermittent cycling followed by exhaustive cycling-Acta Physiologica Hungarica-Mar-2013
articleMatsuura, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yunoki, T.; Kimura, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Yano, T.Effects of heat exposure in the absence of hyperthermia on power output during repeated cycling sprints-Biology of Sport-Mar-2015
bulletin (article)Chen, Lu; Hatano, Kei; Yunoki, Takahiro; Yano, TokuoInfluence of exercise intensity on dynamics of blood volume caused by muscle pump action運動強度が筋ポンプ作用によって生じる血液量の動態に及ぼす影響北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University25-Jun-2022
article (author version)Yano, T.; Lian, C-S.; Afroundeh, R.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.Muscle pump in the vastus lateralis in the supine position in light prolonged exercise-The journal of sports medicine and physical fitness-Jan-2015
article (author version)Yano, T.; Afroundeh, R.; Yamanaka, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Lian, C.S.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.Oscillation in O2 uptake in impulse exercise-Acta Physiologica Hungarica-Jun-2014
articleYANO, T.; AFROUNDEH, R.; SHIRAKAWA, K.; LIAN, C. S.; SHIBATA, K.; XIAO, Z.; YUNOKI, T.Oscillation in Tissue Oxygen Index During Recovery From Exercise-Physiological Research-8-Oct-2015
article (author version)Yano, T.; Lian, C-S; Arimitsu, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Afroundeh, R.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.Oscillation of oxygenation in skeletal muscle at rest and in light exercise-Acta physiologica Hungarica-16-May-2013
article (author version)Yano, T.; Afroundeh, R.; Shirakawa, K.; Lian, C-S; Shibata, K.; Xiao, Z.; Yunoki, T.Oscillation of tissue oxygen index in non-exercising muscle during exercise-Acta physiologica hungarica-Sep-2015
bulletin (article)Yano, T; Afroundeh, R; Arimitsu, T; Yunoki, TRelationship between tissue oxygen index in skeletal muscle and oxygen uptake at pulmonary level骨格筋内の組織酸素指数と肺レベルの酸素摂取量との関係北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University23-Dec-2019
articleAfroundeh, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yamanaka, R.; Lian, C. S.; Shirakawa, K.; Yunoki, T.; Yano, T.Relationship Between Ventilation and Predicted Arterial CO2 Pressure During Recovery From an Impulse-Like Exercise Without Metabolic Acidosis-Physiological research-2013
article (author version)Yano, T.; Afroundeh, R.; Yamanak, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Lian, C-S; Shirkawa, K.; Yunoki, T.Response of end tidal CO2 pressure to impulse exercise-Acta Physiologica Hungarica-Mar-2014
bulletin (article)Yano, Tokuo; Widjaja, Waree; Shirakawa, Kazuki; Lian, Chang-shun; Xiao, Zheng; Yunoki, TakahiroSynchronization between Tissue Oxygen Indexes in the Vastus Lateralis and Gastrocnemius after Impulse Exercise-北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-26-Dec-2014
article (author version)Yunoki, Takahiro; Arimitsu, Takuma; Yamanaka, Ryo; Lian, Chang-shun; Afroundeh, Roghhayye; Matsuura, Ryouta; Yano, TokuoVentilatory response to moderate incremental exercise performed 24 h after resistance exercise with concentric and eccentric contractions-European Journal of Applied Physiology-Aug-2011
bulletin (article)矢野, 徳郎エネルギー代謝のリズムとそのシンクロナイズRhythm of energy metabolism and its synchronization北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要-25-Dec-2015
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