Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 21 to 28 of 28
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 産業内貿易と海外直接投資の理論 | Theory of Intra-Industry Trade and Foreign Direct Investment | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Mar-1996 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 戦後の日本の自動車産業の発展 | The Development of the Post-War Japanese Automobile Industry | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | May-1995 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 多国籍企業の一考察 | Note on Multinational Firms | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Dec-2000 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 対米自動車輸出自主規制の経済効果 1981-83 | Welfare Effects of Japanese Voluntary Export Restraint for U.S.Autosales 1981-83 | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Jun-1988 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 耐久財の経済理論:2期間モデルを中心に | Economic Theory of Durable Goods | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Sep-1999 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 独占的競争の理論と産業内貿易 | Theory of Monopolistic Competition and Intra-industry Trade | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Mar-1990 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 日米自動車産業の共謀度と競争度の比較 | Comparison of Degrees of Collusion and of Competition in U.S.-Japanese Automobile Industries | 經濟學研究 | ECONOMIC STUDIES | Mar-1997 |
bulletin (article) | 小野, 浩 | 不完全競争と貿易形態 | Imperfect Competition and Trade Patterns | 經濟學研究 | - | 16-Dec-2003 |
Showing results 21 to 28 of 28