Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 41 to 44 of 44
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | 横山, 壱星; 栗原, 正仁 | 優先順位と二分決定グラフに基づく複数経路順序下の項書換え系完備化手続き | Completion for Multiple Path Orderings Based on Precedence and Binary Decision Diagrams | 人工知能学会論文誌 | - | 2004 |
article (author version) | 北越, 大輔; 塩谷, 浩之; 栗原, 正仁 | ベイジアンネットを利用した強化学習エージェントの方策改善 | An Improvement of Reinforcement Learning Agent’s Policy by using a Bayesian Network | 情報処理学会論文誌 | - | Nov-2003 |
article (author version) | 大内, 東; 栗原, 正仁; 三田村, 保; 川村, 秀憲; 宮腰, 昭男; 中川, 俊男; 宮本, 慎一; 山本, 直也; 柳内, 統 | 郡市医師会におけるテレビ会議システム導入可能性の検討 : 北海道医師会をモデルとした費用効果の試算 | Feasibility Study for Deployment of Videoconferencing Systems in Prefectural Medical Associations: Cost-Effect Estimation for Hokkaido Medical Association | 医療情報学 | Japan journal of medical inform | Oct-2003 |
article | Kurihara, Masahito; Kaji, Ikuo; Hamamatsu, Yoshio; Nakada, Katsuhiro | Control Algorithm and Theoretical-Analysis of a Grade-Crossed Intersection in a Computer-Controlled Vehicle System | - | IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics | - | May-1985 |
Showing results 41 to 44 of 44