Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
bookchapter (author version) | 揚妻, 直樹 | 「シカの生態系破壊」から見た日本の動物と森と人 | - | - | - | Mar-2010 |
bulletin (article) | 福井, 大; 揚妻, 直樹; Hill, David A; 原田, 正史 | 北海道大学和歌山研究林のコウモリ類 | Bats in the Wakayama Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University | 北海道大学演習林研究報告 | Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests | 2010 |
article (author version) | Kazahari, Nobuko; Agetsuma, Naoki | Mechanisms determining relationships between feeding group size and foraging success in food patch use by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) | - | Behaviour | - | 2010 |
bulletin (article) | 揚妻, 直樹; 前田, 純; 大西, 一弘; 土井, 一夫; 前田, 昌作; 鈴木, 清士; 久保田, 省悟; 浪花, 彰彦; 浪花, 愛子; 小西, 富美代; 桝本, 浩志 | 北海道大学・和歌山研究林に生息する哺乳動物相の把握 | Mammalian fauna in Wakayama Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University | 北海道大学演習林研究報告 | Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests | 2010 |
bulletin (article) | 揚妻, 直樹; 前田, 純; 大西, 一弘; 土井, 一夫; 前田, 昌作; 鈴木, 清士; 久保田, 省悟; 浪花, 彰彦; 浪花, 愛子; 桝本, 浩志 | 北海道大学・和歌山研究林における春季のニホンジカ(Cervus nippon centralis)分布パターン | Distribution pattern of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon centralis) in spring in Wakayama Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in Kii Peninsula, Japan | 北海道大学演習林研究報告 | Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests | 2010 |
bulletin (article) | 浪花, 彰彦; 桝本, 浩志; 揚妻, 直樹; 芦谷, 大太郎; 野田, 真人 | ユズの絞り滓を採食利用する野生動物の行動観察 : 自動撮影デジタルカメラを用いた観察手法の有効性について | An action observation of wild animals that use the squeezing dregs of Yuzu (Citrus junos) as food : the effectiveness of observation technique using "digital trail camera" | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 30-Nov-2009 |
bookchapter (author version) | 揚妻, 直樹 | Q. シカは森林の破壊者なのか? | - | - | - | Mar-2009 |
article (author version) | Kazahari, Nobuko; Agetsuma, Naoki | Social factors enhancing foraging success of a wild group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in a patchy food environment | - | Behaviour | - | 2008 |
bulletin (article) | 福井, 大; 揚妻, 直樹; David A, Hill | 北海道大学中川研究林のコウモリ類 | Bat fauna in the Nakagawa Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University | 北海道大学演習林研究報告 | Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests | Mar-2007 |
bulletin (article) | 揚妻, 直樹; 日野, 貴文; 奥山, 悟; 及川, 幸雄; 奥田, 篤志; 佐藤, 智明; 本前, 忠幸; 三好, 等; 汲川, 正次; 石井, 正; 市川, 一; 浪花, 彰彦; 鷹西, 俊和; 柳田, 智幸; 有働, 裕幸; 青井, 俊樹 | 西北海道・胆振地方におけるエゾシカの再定着過程 | Re-establishment process of Ezo sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) in Iburi District, western Hokkaido | 北海道大学演習林研究報告 | Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests | Mar-2007 |
article (author version) | Agetsuma, Naoki | Minimum Area Required for Local Populations of Japanese Macaques Estimated from the Relationship Between Habitat Area and Population Extinction | - | International Journal of Primatology | - | Feb-2007 |
article (author version) | Agetsuma, Naoki | Ecological function losses caused by monotonous land use induce crop raiding by wildlife on the island of Yakushima, southern Japan | 画一的土地利用が生態系機能を失わせ野生動物による農業被害を発生させた | Ecological Research | - | 2007 |
bulletin (article) | 市川, 一; 石井, 正; 汲川, 正次; 佐藤, 智明; 三好, 等; 本前, 忠幸; 柳田, 智幸; 揚妻, 直樹; 日浦, 勉 | シカ大規模エンクロージャーを用いた野外実験の展開 : エゾシカが森林生物群集の動態に果たす役割 | Development of a large enclosure system for Shika deer in the Tomakomai Experimental Forest : a study of the existence of Shika deer affecting the dynamics of forest plant community | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 31-Oct-2004 |
article | Fukui, Dai; Agetsuma, Naoki; Hill, David A | Acoustic Identification of Eight Species of Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Inhabiting Forests of Southern Hokkaido, Japan : Potential for Conservation Monitoring | - | ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE | - | Sep-2004 |
bulletin (article) | 揚妻, 直樹; 大西, 敬; 松田, 道子; 福井, 大; 大西, 瑞木; 上杉, あかね; 揚妻(柳原), 芳美; 山本, 俊昭; 奥田, 篤志; 柳田, 智幸; 奥山, 悟; 三好, 等; 石井, 正; 本前, 忠幸 | 西北海道・胆振地方の森林内におけるエゾシカ生息密度 | Population density of forest inhabiting Ezo sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) in Iburi district, western Hokkaido | 北海道大学 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTS | Sep-2002 |
bulletin (article) | 揚妻, 直樹 | サルの時間割・ヒトの時間割 | Behavior ecology of wild monkey in Yakushima National Park and timetable of human beings : a viewpoint of their food habit | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | 28-Nov-2001 |
bulletin (article) | Fukui, Dai; Ishii, Tadashi; Agetsuma, Naoki; Aoi, Toshiki | Efficiency of Harp Trap for Capturing Bats in Boreal Broad-Leaved Forest in Japan | - | Eurasian Journal of Forest Research | - | Nov-2001 |
article (author version) | Agetsuma, Naoki | Present Situation of Japanese Wildlife Reviewed from Economic Backgrounds: An Introduction for Young Students | - | 秋田経済法科大学経済学部紀要 | The journal of Economics Department, Akita University of Economics and Law | Sep-1999 |
article | Agetsuma, Naoki | Leaf Inclination of Abies firma Sieb. et Zucc. Responding to Light Condition | - | Ecological Review | - | Mar-1989 |