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article松浦, 清隆; 伊藤, 洋一; 工藤, 昌行鉄-炭素系包晶凝固中のγ相成長速度に及ぼす初期炭素濃度と冷却速度の影響Effects of Carbon Content and Cooling Rate on Growth Rate of γ-phase during Peritectic Solidification in Iron-carbon System鉄と鋼-1-Jul-1998
article大参, 達也; 工藤, 昌行混合法による凝固プロセスSolidification Processing Using Mixing TechniqueまてりあMateria Japan20-Feb-1998
article大参, 達也; 松浦, 清隆; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一過共晶Al–Si合金溶湯と異種合金溶湯との混合過程における過冷却現象と初晶凝固Undercooling and primary solidification behavior in mixture of hypereutectic and another Al-Si alloy melts軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light MetalsJan-1998
article大参, 達也; 上田, 誠; 工藤, 昌行噴流混合急冷法による過包晶Al-Cr合金の複合層の形成機構Formation mechanism of composite layer in hyperperitectic Al-Cr alloy ingot produced by injection quenching鋳造工学Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society25-Oct-1997
article大参, 達也; 松浦, 清隆; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一動的過冷却を考慮した過共晶Al–Si合金の初晶凝固モデルModeling of primary solidification of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy with dynamic undercooling軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light MetalsFeb-1997
article大参, 達也; 木村, 欣晃; 伊藤, 洋一; 工藤, 昌行; 松浦, 清隆複合鋳込み遠心鋳造法による過包晶Al-Cr合金における初晶金属間化合物の微細化と偏在化Refinement and Localization of Primary Intermetallic Compounds in Hyperperitectic Al-Cr Alloy by Centrifugal Duplex Casting日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsMay-1996
article松浦, 清隆; 丸山, 尚士; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一; 大参, 達也鉄-炭素系の包晶反応におけるγ相の成長速度に及ぼすδ相形状の影響Effects of the Shape of δ-Phase on the Growth Rate of γ-Phase during Peritectic Reaction in Fe-C System鉄と鋼-1-Feb-1996
article松浦, 清隆; 大参, 達也; 伊藤, 洋一; 工藤, 昌行; 田中, 大史Al-Cu二元系の純金属混合圧粉体の固相焼結中の組織と強度の変化Changes in microstructure and mechanical properties during solid sintering of Al-Cu binary mixed powder compact軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Mar-1995
article大参, 達也; 簑口, 光樹; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一; 松浦, 清隆スラリー・溶湯混合法による半凝固過共晶Al-Si合金の初晶Si粒径の制御Control of Primary Silicon Crystal Size of Semi-Solid Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy by Slurry-Melt Mixing Process日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsNov-1994
article大参, 達也; 簔口, 光樹; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一; 松浦, 清隆スラリー・溶湯混合法による半凝固過共晶Al-Si合金の見掛けの粘性挙動Change in apparent viscosity of stirred slurry during production of semi-solid hypereutectic Al-Si alloy by slurry-melt mixing process軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Sep-1994
article大参, 達也; 簑口, 光樹; 工藤, 昌行; 伊藤, 洋一; 松浦, 清隆; 石井, 邦宜亜共晶Al-Si合金の半凝固スラリーとリンを添加した過共晶Al-Si合金溶湯との混合による微細初晶シリコンの生成Formation of Fine Primary Silicon Crystals by Mixing of Semi-solid Slurry of Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloy and Phosphorus-Added Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Melt日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsMar-1994
article大参, 達也; 工藤, 昌行; 大笹, 憲一; 伊藤, 洋一; 松浦, 清隆; 石井, 邦宜過共晶Al-Si合金の複合鋳込みにおける二次溶湯流体塊の過冷凝固挙動Undercooling and solidification behavior of fluid clumps of second-poured melt of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy in Duplex Casting process軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals28-Feb-1994
bulletin (article)大参, 達也; 田中, 康博; 工藤, 昌行; 大笹, 憲一複合鋳込み法による過共晶Al-Si系合金の初晶微細化機構Refining Mechanism of Primary Crystals in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Ingots by the Duplex Casting Process北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University29-Jan-1993
bulletin (article)大笹, 憲一; 大宮, 光裕; 工藤, 昌行; 大参, 達也Al基三元合金の凝固パスの解析Analysis of Solidification Path of Aluminum Base Ternary Alloy北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University29-Jan-1993
bulletin (article)工藤, 昌行; 田中, 順一; 奥山, 浩二郎; 大笹, 憲一酸化物フラックスによる炭素鋼の大過冷却Large Undercooling due to Oxide Flux in Plain Carbon Steel北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University29-Jan-1993
article大参, 達也; 工藤, 昌行; 大笹, 憲一過共晶Al-Si合金の複合鋳込み鋳塊の初晶微細化に及ぼす鋳造条件の影響Effect of Casting Condition on Refinement of Primary Crystals in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Ingots Produced by Duplex Casting Process日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsSep-1992
article大参, 達也; 中寺, 一也; 工藤, 昌行NaおよびPの添加を併用した複合鋳込み法による過共晶Al-Si合金の改良処理Modification of hipereutectic Al-Si alloys by the Duplex Casting process with addition of Na and P軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Mar-1992
article大参, 達也; 田中, 康博; 工藤, 昌行過共晶Al-Si系合金の複合鋳込み鋳塊における微細初晶粒子の生成起源Origin of Fine Primary Crystals in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Ingots Produced by Duplex Casting Process日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsJan-1992
bulletin (article)大笹, 憲一; 高橋, 忠義; 工藤, 昌行円形空孔浸出法による実用鋼の固相率の決定Estimation of Fraction Solid for Commercial Carbon Steel by the Seepage Method北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University16-Oct-1991
bulletin (article)大参, 達也; 田中, 康博; 工藤, 昌行上注ぎ式複合鋳込み法における初期溶湯混合過程の解析Analysis of the Initial Stage of Melt Mixing in the Duplex Casting Process with Top Pouring北海道大學工學部研究報告Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University16-Oct-1991
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