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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)松村, 良之; 木下, 麻奈子; 太田, 勝造; 山田, 裕子裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する人々の意識Japanese Attitudes Toward the Lay Judge System and Criminal Justice北大法学論集-28-Nov-2008
bulletin (article)松村, 良之; 木下, 麻奈子; 太田, 勝造; 山田, 裕子裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する人々の意識 : 2011年第2波調査に基づいてJapanese Attitudes Toward the Lay Judge System and Criminal Justice Based on the Second Survey in 2011北大法学論集The Hokkaido Law Review9-Dec-2011
bulletin (article)松村, 良之; 木下, 麻奈子; 太田, 勝造; 山田, 裕子裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する弁護士の意識Japanese Attorneys' Attitudes Toward the Lay Judge System and Those Toward the Criminal Justice北大法学論集The Hokkaido Law Review31-May-2010
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Hokkaido University