Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bookchapter | 宇尾, 基弘; 金森, 敏英; 高橋, 正樹; 亘理, 文夫; 曽我, 公平; 向後, 保雄 | 希土類含有イットリアナノ微粒子の歯科材料への応用 | - | - | - | 2010 |
article | UO, Motohiro; YAMASHITA, Kyoko; SUZUKI, Masayasu; TAMIYA, Eiichi; KARUBE, Isao; MAKISHIMA, Akio | Immobilization of Yeast Cells in Porous Silica Carrier with Sol-Gel Process | ゾル-ゲル法による多孔質シりカ担体への酵母の固定化 | Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan | - | Apr-1992 |
article | UO, Motohiro; NUMATA, Masahiko; SUZUKI, Masayasu; TAMIYA, Eiichi; KARUBE, Isao; MAKISHIMA, Akio | Preparation and Properties of Immobilized Mercuric Reductase in Porous Glass Carriers | 多孔質ガラス担体に固定化した水銀還元酵素の作製及びその特性 | Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan | - | Apr-1992 |
theses (doctoral) | 宇尾, 基弘 | 多孔質ガラスの合成と生体触媒の固定化に関する研究 | - | - | - | Mar-1992 |
article | UO, Motohiro; YAMASHIKA, Yujiro; MORITA, Kazuki; KARUBE, Isao; MAKISHIMA, Akio | Phase Separation of Halogen-Containing Sodium Borosilicate Glasses | ハロゲン含有ソーダボロシリケートガラスの分相 | Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan | - | Jan-1992 |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5