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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article平川, 直; 出山, 義昭; 吉村, 善隆; 鈴木, 邦明; 鄭, 漢忠口腔癌細胞のシスプラチン耐性化に伴うNa, K-ATPase及びouabain感受性の変化Change of Na, K-ATPase and ouabain sensitivity in oral cancer cells accompanied by acquisition of cisplatin resistance北海道歯学雑誌-Sep-2017
theses (doctoral)平川, 直口腔癌細胞のシスプラチン耐性化に伴うNa, K-ATPase及びouabain感受性の変化Change of Na,K - ATPase activity and ouabain sensitivity in oral cancer cells accompanied by acquisition of cisplatin resistance--25-Mar-2014
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review)平川, 直口腔癌細胞のシスプラチン耐性化に伴うNa, K-ATPase及びouabain感受性の変化 [論文内容及び審査の要旨]Change of Na,K - ATPase activity and ouabain sensitivity in oral cancer cells accompanied by acquisition of cisplatin resistance--25-Mar-2014
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Hokkaido University