Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | AOKI, Teruo; MATOBA, Sumito; UETAKE, Jun; TAKEUCHI, Nozomu; MOTOYAMA, Hideaki | Field activities of the “Snow Impurity and Glacial Microbe effects on abrupt warming in the Arctic” (SIGMA) Project in Greenland in 2011-2013 | Project in Greenland in 2011-2013(2011-2013年グリーンランドにおけるSIGMAプロジェクトの野外活動報告) | Bulletin of Glaciological Research | - | Aug-2014 |
article | AOKI, Teruo; MATOBA, Sumito; YAMAGUCHI, Satoru; TANIKAWA, Tomonori; NIWANO, Masashi; KUCHIKI, Katsuyuki; ADACHI, Kouji; UETAKE, Jun; MOTOYAMA, Hideaki; HORI, Masahiro | Light-absorbing snow impurity concentrations measured on Northwest Greenland ice sheet in 2011 and 2012 | 2011年及び2012年に北西グリーンランド氷床上で観測された光吸収性積雪不純物濃度 | Bulletin of Glaciological Research | - | Aug-2014 |
article | MATOBA, Sumito; YAMASAKI, Tetsuhide; MIYAHARA, Morihiro; MOTOYAMA, Hideaki | Spatial variations of δ18O and ion species in the snowpack of the northwestern Greenland ice sheet | グリーンランド氷床北西部における積雪中のδ18Oと化学成分の空間分布 | Bulletin of Glaciological Research | - | Aug-2014 |
bulletin (article) | 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明; 兒玉, 裕二 | 北海道母子里の平地積雪断面測定資料報告(1979年12月~1989年1月) | Report of Pit-Wall Observations of Snow Cover in Moshiri, Hokkaido (December, 1979~January, 1989) | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 27-Mar-1990 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 兒玉, 裕二; 本山, 秀明; 浜田, 和雄; 中谷, 千春 | 1987年積雪期の札幌における放射量測定 | Radiation Measurements of Snowy Season in 1987 at Sapporo | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 16-Mar-1988 |
bulletin (article) | MOTOYAMA, Hideaki | Studies of Basin Heat Balance and Snowmelt Runoff Models | - | Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science | - | 30-Mar-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 本山, 秀明 | 1986年積雪期の札幌における放射量測定 | Radiation Measurements of Snowy Season in 1986 at Sapporo | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 16-Mar-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明 | 1985年積雪期の札幌における放射量測定 | Radiation Measurements of Snowy Season in 1985 at Sapporo | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 15-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明 | 熱収支法及び単純な気象要素による表面融雪量の予測について | Predictions of Hourly and Daily Amounts of Snowmelt by Heat Balance of Bulk Meteorological Elements | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 本山, 秀明; 小島, 賢治 | 積雪深変化の推定法(乾雪の場合) : 積雪層の粘性圧縮を考えて | Estimation Model for the Depth of a Dry Snow Cover : Based on the Viscous Compression Theory of Seasonal Snow Cover | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 小島, 賢治; 石川, 信敬; 本山, 秀明; 山田, 芳則 | 積雪の蒸発量 : 札幌と母子里での測定結果 | Evaporation Rate of Snow at the Surface of a Snow Cover : Observations in Sapporo and Moshiri, Hokkaido | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 小林, 大二; 本山, 秀明 | 融雪流出過程 Ⅰ | Snowmelt Runoff Processes Ⅰ | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 10-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明 | 積雪中の融雪水浸透量ピークの時間遅れ | Time lag of meltwater percolation through a snow cover | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 18-Mar-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 本山, 秀明; 小島, 賢治 | 積雪表面近傍の気温変動について | The temperature fluctuation in stable stratification above snow cover | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 18-Mar-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 本山, 秀明; 石川, 信敬; 小島, 賢治; 小林, 大二 | 1981-84年融雪期の放射量と気象観測資料(観測地 幌加内町母子里) | Measurements of Radiation and Meteorological Elements during the Snowmelt Season in 1981-84 (Moshiri Basin) | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 15-Mar-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明; 山田, 芳則 | 1983-84年積雪期の札幌における放射量測定 | Radiation Measurements of Snowy Season in 1983-84 at Sapporo | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 15-Mar-1985 |
bulletin (article) | 石川, 信敬; 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明; 山田, 芳則 | 1982~83年積雪期の札幌における放射量測定 | Radiation Measurement of Snowy Season in 1982-83 at Sapporo | 低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report | 15-Mar-1984 |
bulletin (article) | 小島, 賢治; 本山, 秀明; 山田, 芳則 | 気温等単純な気象要素による融雪予測について | Estimation of melting rate of snow by simple formulae using only air temperature | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 5-Mar-1984 |
bulletin (article) | 本山, 秀明; 小林, 大二; 小島, 賢治 | 融雪期における小流域の水収支 Ⅱ : 流出解析 | Water balance at a small watershed during the snowmelt season Ⅱ : Runoff analysis | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 5-Mar-1984 |
bulletin (article) | 本山, 秀明; 小林, 大二; 小島, 賢治 | 融雪期における小流域の水収支 Ⅰ : 短期水収支と長期水収支 | Water balance at a small watershed during the snowmelt season Ⅰ | 低温科學. 物理篇 | Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences | 5-Mar-1984 |