Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | 濱田, 建一郎; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子; 多田, 邦尚; 門谷, 茂 | 過栄養内湾(洞海湾) における粒子状物質の生化学的特徴と 鉛直輸送過程の季節変化 | Seasonal Changes in Biochemical Characteristics and Vertical Transport of Particulate Organic Matter in Hypertrophic Dokai Bay, Japan | 沿岸海洋研究 | - | 30-Aug-2010 |
article | 濱田, 建一郎; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子; 多田, 邦尚; 門谷, 茂 | 栄養塩濃度が大幅に減少した洞海湾の貧酸素水塊と低次生産過程について(シンポジウム:沿岸海域の貧酸素化) | Oxygen-deficient Water Volume and Marine Lower Trophic Processes in Dokai Bay after Large Decreases in Nutrient Concentrations(Symposium: Hypoxic Water in Coastal Seas) | 沿岸海洋研究 | - | 30-Aug-2010 |
article | 多田, 邦尚; 一見, 和彦; 濱田, 建一郎; 上田, 直子; 山田, 真知子; 門谷, 茂 | 洞海湾の河口循環流と赤潮形成(シンポジウム:内湾環境における河口循環流の役割) | Estuarine Circulation and Red Tide Outbreaks in the Dokai Bay, Japan(Symposium: Role of estuarine circulation in the coastal marine environment) | 沿岸海洋研究 | - | 28-Feb-2007 |
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3