Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | bulletin (article) | 増井, 昇; 菅井, 徹人; 渡邊, 陽子; 渡部, 敏裕; 塩尻, かおり; 佐々木, 圭子; 藤戸, 永司; 荒川, 圭太; 佐藤, 冬樹; 小池, 孝良 | 高オゾン環境下でのヤマナラシ属2種の成長と病虫害の観察 : 中間報告 | Interim report on activities of insect herbivore and disease in two species of poplar grown under elevated O3. | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | Jan-2021 |
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review) | 菅井, 徹人 | Study on the growth responses of larch species raised under elevated ozone, nitrogen loading, and saline soil [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review] | オゾン暴露、窒素付加、及び塩類土壌下におけるカラマツ属樹種の成長応答に関する研究 [論文内容及び審査の要旨] | - | - | 25-Sep-2020 |
theses (doctoral) | 菅井, 徹人 | Study on the growth responses of larch species raised under elevated ozone, nitrogen loading, and saline soil | オゾン暴露、窒素付加、及び塩類土壌下におけるカラマツ属樹種の成長応答に関する研究 | - | - | 25-Sep-2020 |
bulletin (article) | 小池, 孝良; 菅井, 徹人; 渡部, 敏裕; 市川, 一; 藤戸, 永志; 佐々木, 圭子; 曲, 来葉; 渡辺, 誠; 荒川, 圭太; 山﨑, 友紀; 佐藤, 冬樹 | 都市生態系へのオゾン汚染の影響:実験的研究によるJSTへのとり組み | Urban ecology under Ozone pollution: an experimental approach with a Free-Air Controlled Elevated (FACE) O3 system supported by the JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) | 北方森林保全技術 | Technical report for boreal forest conservation of the Hokkaido University Forests | Dec-2019 |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4