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bulletin (article)秋田谷, 英次; 西村, 浩一; 白岩, 孝行; 尾関, 俊浩; 伊藤, 陽一; 山口, 悟; 須沢, 啓一札幌の平地積雪断面測定資料 平成7年~8年冬期Report of pit-wall observations of snow cover in Sapporo 1995~96低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)和泉, 薫; 小林, 俊一; 秋田谷, 英次; 西村, 浩一北海道の雪崩災害資料(1902~1996年)Data on Avalanche accidents in Hokkaido for the past ninety-five years (1902-1996)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)成瀬, 廉二; 秋田谷, 英次; 西村, 浩一; 白岩, 孝行; 山口, 悟; 須澤, 啓一; 天見, 正和; 伊藤, 陽一; 根本, 征樹北海道内の広域積雪調査 1996年2月Snow surveys in Hokkaido, February 1996低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report28-Mar-1997
bulletin (article)秋田谷, 英次; 西村, 浩一; 尾関, 俊浩; 川島, 由載; 坂井, 亜規子; 天見, 正和; 鎌田, 慈; 福山, 亨札幌の平地積雪断面測定資料 平成6年~7年冬期Report of pit-wall observations of snow cover in Sapporo 1994-1995低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report25-Mar-1996
bulletin (article)秋田谷, 英次; 福沢, 卓也; 西村, 浩一狩場2号橋の流失災害Report on a Dissaster of the Kariba Bridge Swept Away低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1992
bulletin (article)NISHIMURA, KouichiStudies on the Fluidized Snow Dynamics-Contributions from the Institute of Low Temperature Science-26-Mar-1991
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 河村, 俊行; 西村, 浩一; 兒玉, 裕二; 野村, 睦大雪山ヒサゴ雪渓の水文・気象環境(1989)Hydrological and Meteorological Environment of the Perennial "Hisago Snowpatch" in Daisetsu Mountains (1989)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report27-Mar-1990
bulletin (article)成田, 英器; 西村, 浩一; 成瀬, 廉二; 前野, 紀一林檎園の積雪とわい化樹周りの積雪構造Observations of Snow Cover in Apple Garden and Snow Structure around Dwarf Apple Tree in Hirosaki District低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report16-Mar-1988
bulletin (article)西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一判別分析による吹雪発生の臨界条件算出の試みDiscriminant Function Analysis Applied to Determining an Initiation Condition of Drifting Snow低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1988
bulletin (article)前野, 紀一; 西村, 浩一三次元地形における雪崩運動の数値計算Numerical Computation of Snow Avalanche Motion in a Three-dimensional Topography低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1988
bulletin (article)前野, 紀一; 成田, 英器; 西村, 浩一; 成瀬, 廉二道路雪氷の構造と新分類Structures and New Classification of Snow and Ice on Roads低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1988
bulletin (article)西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一; 川田, 邦夫雪崩衝撃力の周波数解析による大規模雪崩の内部構造Internal Structures of Large-scale Avalanches Revealed by a Frequency Analysis of Impact Forces低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1988
bulletin (article)西村, 浩一; 海老沼, 孝郎; 小林, 俊一; 佐藤, 篤司; 成瀬, 廉二; 前野, 紀一雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅱ : 気相雪氷混相流の実験装置と内部構造Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅱ : Experimental Apparatuses and Flow Structures低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)前野, 紀一; 成瀬, 廉二; 西村, 浩一; 竹井, 巌; 海老沼, 孝郎; 村上, 茂樹; 小林, 俊一; 佐藤, 篤司; 西村, 寛雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅰ : 雪氷混相流の定義と分類 Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅰ : Definition and Classification of Mixed-phase Snow Flows低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)成瀬, 廉二; 西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅳ : 停止と堆積Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅳ : Stop and Accumulation Processes低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)海老沼, 孝郎; 西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一雪氷混相流の研究 Ⅲ : 雪氷粒子と空気との相互作用Studies on Mixed-phase Snow Flows Ⅲ : Interactions Between Snow Particles and Air Flows低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)西村, 浩一; 前野, 紀一流動状態の雪の研究 Ⅱ : 流動状態の雪の粘性係数と熱伝達係数Studies of Fluidized Snow Ⅱ : Viscosity and Heat Transfer Coefficient of Fluidized Snow低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1979
bulletin (article)前野, 紀一; 西村, 浩一流動状態の雪の研究 Ⅰ : 流動状態の雪の生成とその一般的性質Studies of Fluidized Snow Ⅰ : Formation of Fluidized Snow and Its General Properties低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences10-Mar-1979
bulletin (article)成瀬, 廉二; 高橋, 修平; 植松, 孝彦; 西村, 浩一; 水津, 重雄; 岡野, 正; 西村, 寛; 菊地, 時夫北見山地ウエンシリ岳の雪渓調査(1976年)Glaciological Studies of a Snowpatch in Mt.Uenshiridake, Hokkaido (1976)低温科學. 物理篇Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences25-Mar-1977
bulletin (article)山田, 知充; 小林, 俊一; 若浜, 五郎; 中尾, 正義; 高橋, 修平; 久保田, 裕士; 佐藤, 篤司; 西村, 寛; 水津, 重雄; 西村, 浩一; 小川, 潔典; 松田, 益義大雪山系雪渓測量報告(1975・1976)Report of Survey of the Perennial Snowpatch in Mt. Daisetsu Area (1975・1976)低温科学. 物理篇. 資料集Low temperature science. Series A, Physical sciences. Data report15-Mar-1977
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20


Hokkaido University