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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kapalamula, Thoko Flav; Chizimu, Joseph; Belotindos, Lawrence; Akapelwa, Mwangala; Shrestha, Dipti; Nyenje, Mirriam Ethel; Munyeme, Musso; Hang'ombe, Bernard Mudenda; Mkakosya, Rajhab Sawasawa; Gordon, Stephen V.; Nakajima, Chie; Suzuki, YasuhikoMolecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis in central parts of Malawi-Transboundary and emerging diseases-12-May-2021
articleBelotindos, Lawrence; Villanueva, Marvin; Miguel, Joel; Bwalya, Precious; Harada, Tetsuya; Kawahara, Ryuji; Nakajima, Chie; Mingala, Claro; Suzuki, YasuhikoPrevalence and Characterization of Quinolone-Resistance Determinants in Escherichia coli Isolated from Food-Producing Animals and Animal-Derived Food in the Philippines-Antibiotics-Basel-9-Apr-2021
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Hokkaido University