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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleHorne, Andrew W.; Brown, Jeremy K.; Nio-Kobayashi, Junko; Abidin, Hazirah B. Z.; Adin, Zety E. H. A.; Boswell, Lyndsey; Burgess, Stewart; Lee, Kai-Fai; Duncan, W. ColinThe Association between Smoking and Ectopic Pregnancy: Why Nicotine Is BAD for Your Fallopian Tube-Plos One-20-Feb-2014
article (author version)Nio-Kobayashi, Junko; Trendell, Jennifer; Giakoumelou, Sevasti; Boswell, Lyndsey; Nicol, Linda; Kudo, Masataka; Sakuragi, Noriaki; Iwanaga, Toshihiko; Duncan, William ColinBone Morphogenetic Proteins Are Mediators of Luteolysis in the Human Corpus Luteum-Endocrinology-Apr-2015
article (author version)Nio-Kobayashi, Junko; Boswell, Lyndsey; Amano, Maho; Iwanaga, Toshihiko; Duncan, W. ColinThe Loss of Luteal Progesterone Production in Women Is Associated With a Galectin Switch via alpha 2,6-Sialylation of Glycoconjugates-Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism-Dec-2014
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University