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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Choi, Sun Hee; Nakahara, Kenji S; Andrade, Marcelo; Uyeda, IchiroCharacterization of the recessive resistance gene cyv1 of Pisum sativum against Clover yellow vein virus-Journal of General Plant Pathology-May-2012
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review)崔, 善熹The functions of the P3 cistron of Clover yellow vein virus in resistance breaking and cell-to-cell movement in Pisum sativum [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]クローバ葉脈黄化ウイルスのP3遺伝子がエンドウにおける抵抗性打破と細胞間移行に果す役割 [論文内容及び審査の要旨]--25-Sep-2013
theses (doctoral - abstract of entire text)崔, 善熹The functions of the P3 cistron of Clover yellow vein virus in resistance breaking and cell-to-cell movement in Pisum sativum [an abstract of entire text]クローバ葉脈黄化ウイルスのP3遺伝子がエンドウにおける抵抗性打破と細胞間移行に果す役割 [全文の要約]--25-Sep-2013
article (author version)Atsumi, Go; Nakahara, Kenji S; Wada, Tomoko Sugikawa; Choi, Sun Hee; Masuta, Chikara; Uyeda, IchiroHeterologous expression of viral suppressors of RNA silencing complements virulence of the HC-Pro mutant of clover yellow vein virus in pea-Archives of Virology-2012
article (author version)Hisa, Yusuke; Suzuki, Haruka; Atsumi, Go; Choi, Sun Hee; Nakahara, Kenji S.; Uyeda, IchiroP3N-PIPO of Clover yellow vein virus exacerbates symptoms in pea infected with White clover mosaic virus and is implicated in viral synergism-Virology-20-Jan-2014
article (author version)Atsumi, Go; Suzuki, Haruka; Miyashita, Yuri; Choi, Sun Hee; Hisa, Yusuke; Rihei, Shunsuke; Shimada, Ryoko; Jeon, Eun Jin; Abe, Junya; Nakahara, Kenji S; Uyeda, IchiroP3N-PIPO, a Frameshift Product fromP3, Pleiotropically Determines the Virulence of Clover Yellow Vein Virus in both Resistant and Susceptible Peas-Journal of Virology-Aug-2016
article (author version)Choi, Sun Hee; Hagiwara-Komoda, Yuka; Nakahara, Kenji S.; Atsumi, Go; Shimada, Ryoko; Hisa, Yusuke; Naito, Satoshi; Uyeda, IchiroQuantitative and Qualitative Involvement of P3N-PIPO in Overcoming Recessive Resistance against Clover yellow vein virus in Pea Carrying cyv1-Journal of Virology-Jul-2013
articleNakahara, Kenji S.; Kitazawa, Hiroaki; Atsumi, Go; Choi, Sun Hee; Suzuki, Yuji; Uyeda, IchiroScreening and analysis of genes expressed upon infection of broad bean with Clover yellow vein virus causing lethal necrosis-Virology Journal-18-Jul-2011
articleHagiwara-Komoda, Yuka; Choi, Sun Hee; Sato, Masanao; Atsumi, Go; Abe, Junya; Fukuda, Junya; Honjo, Mie N.; Nagano, Atsushi J.; Komoda, Keisuke; Nakahara, Kenji S.; Uyeda, Ichiro; Naito, SatoshiTruncated yet functional viral protein produced via RNA polymerase slippage implies underestimated coding capacity of RNA viruses-Scientific reports-22-Feb-2016
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9


Hokkaido University