Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | column | 藤原, 正智; 西岡, 純; 堀口, 健夫; 間山, 貴文; 馬, 方; 松山, 聖央 | 座談会 北大は地球温暖化に向き合う | Round-table discussion. Hokkaido University faces up to global warming | リテラポプリ | Littera Populi | 5-Oct-2018 |
article | 藤原, 正智; 林, 真由美; 杉立, 卓治 | 気球で雲を測る | Measuring Clouds with Balloons | 計測と制御 | - | 2017 |
bookchapter | 藤原, 正智 | ブリューワー-ドブソン循環(成層圏の大気大循環) | Brewer-Dobson circulation | - | - | Jul-2016 |
bookchapter | 藤原, 正智 | 成層圏大気の組成 | composition of the stratosphere | - | - | Sep-2012 |
article | 藤原, 正智 | 気候監視のための新しい高層気象観測ネットワークGRUAN | A New Upper-Air Sounding Network for Climate Monitoring, GRUAN | 天気 | - | 31-Aug-2011 |
article | 杉山, 昌広; 西岡, 純; 藤原, 正智 | 気候工学(ジオエンジニアリング) | Climate Geoengineering | 天気 | - | 31-Jul-2011 |
article | Sakazaki, Takatoshi; Fujiwara, Masatomo | Diurnal Variations in Lower-Tropospheric Wind over Japan Part I: Observational Results using the Wind Profiler Network and Data Acquisition System (WINDAS) | - | Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan | - | 21-Jul-2010 |
article | Sakazaki, Takatoshi; Fujiwara, Masatomo | Diurnal Variations in Lower-Tropospheric Wind over Japan Part II: Analysis of Japan Meteorological Agency Mesoscale Analysis Data and Four Global Reanalysis Data Sets | - | Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan | - | 21-Jul-2010 |
article | Suzuki, Junko; Fujiwara, Masatomo; Hamada, Atsushi; Inai, Yoichi; Yamaguchi, Jun; Shirooka, Ryuichi; Hasebe, Fumio; Takano, Toshiaki | Cloud-Top Height Variability Associated with Equatorial Kelvin Waves in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during the Mirai Indian Ocean cruise for the Study of the MJO-Convection Onset (MISMO) Campaign | - | SOLA | - | 2010 |
article | Inai, Yoichi; Hasebe, Fumio; Shimizu, Kensaku; Fujiwara, Masatomo | Correction of Radiosonde Pressure and Temperature Measurements Using Simultaneous GPS Height Data | - | SOLA | - | 2009 |
article | Sakazaki, Takatoshi; Fujiwara, Masatomo | Diurnal Variations in Summertime Surface Wind upon Japanese Plains : Hodograph Rotation and Its Dynamics | - | Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. 2 | 気象集誌. 第2輯 | 13-Nov-2008 |
article | 藤原, 正智; 山崎, 孝治 | 成層圏対流圏結合 | Stratosphere-troposhere coupling | 天気 | - | 31-Jul-2007 |
article | 藤原, 正智 | 赤道ケルビン波に伴う成層圏対流圏大気交換と熱帯対流圏界面領域の研究 : 2000年度山本・正野論文賞受賞記念講演 | Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Associated with Equatorial Kelvin Waves and Researches on the Tropical Tropopause Region | 天気 | - | 30-Nov-2001 |
article | 藤原, 正智 | 19.札幌管区気象台訪問ツアー他(国際オゾンシンポジウム-Sapporo 2000-報告) | - | 天気 | - | 2001 |
article | 藤原, 正智; 庭野, 将徳 | SOWER/Pacific観測キャンペーンに参加して | Participating in the SOWER/Pacific campaign | 天気 | - | 31-Jan-2000 |
article | 藤原, 正智 | 第10回中層大気会議の報告 | Summary of the 10 th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere. | 天気 | - | 31-May-1998 |
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16