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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleFukui, Dai; Agetsuma, NaokiSeasonal change in the diet composition of the Asian parti-coloured bat Vespertilio sinensis-Mammal Study-Dec-2010
bulletin (article)福井, 大; 揚妻, 直樹; Hill, David A; 原田, 正史北海道大学和歌山研究林のコウモリ類Bats in the Wakayama Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University北海道大学演習林研究報告Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests2010
bulletin (article)福井, 大; 揚妻, 直樹; David A, Hill北海道大学中川研究林のコウモリ類Bat fauna in the Nakagawa Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University北海道大学演習林研究報告Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University ForestsMar-2007
articleFukui, Dai; Agetsuma, Naoki; Hill, David AAcoustic Identification of Eight Species of Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Inhabiting Forests of Southern Hokkaido, Japan : Potential for Conservation Monitoring-ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE-Sep-2004
bulletin (article)揚妻, 直樹; 大西, 敬; 松田, 道子; 福井, 大; 大西, 瑞木; 上杉, あかね; 揚妻(柳原), 芳美; 山本, 俊昭; 奥田, 篤志; 柳田, 智幸; 奥山, 悟; 三好, 等; 石井, 正; 本前, 忠幸西北海道・胆振地方の森林内におけるエゾシカ生息密度Population density of forest inhabiting Ezo sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) in Iburi district, western Hokkaido北海道大学 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTSSep-2002
bulletin (article)Fukui, Dai; Ishii, Tadashi; Agetsuma, Naoki; Aoi, ToshikiEfficiency of Harp Trap for Capturing Bats in Boreal Broad-Leaved Forest in Japan-Eurasian Journal of Forest Research-Nov-2001
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University