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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)藤原, 英史; 福原, 晴夫; 大高, 明史; 小島, 久弥; 福井, 学; 野原, 精一尾瀬の赤褐色雪をつくるアカシボ粒子の顕微鏡観察Optical microscopic observations of the Akashibo particle of reddish-brown snow in Oze region低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2022
articleTerashima, Mia; Umezawa, Kazuhiro; Mori, Shoichi; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuMicrobial Community Analysis of Colored Snow from an Alpine Snowfield in Northern Japan Reveals the Prevalence of Betaproteobacteria with Snow Algae-Frontiers in microbiology-7-Aug-2017
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Watanabe, Miho; Fukui, ManabuSulfuritortus calidifontis gen. nov., sp nov., a sulfur oxidizer isolated from a hot spring microbial mat-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-May-2017
articleKojima, Hisaya; Watanabe, Miho; Tokizawa, Riho; Shinohara, Arisa; Fukui, ManabuHymenobacter nivis sp nov., isolated from red snow in Antarctica-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-Nov-2016
articleUmezawa, Kazuhiro; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Miura, Aya; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuThe complete genome sequences of sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria Sulfurifustis variabilis skN76(T) and Sulfuricaulis limicola HA5(T)-Standards in genomic sciences-15-Sep-2016
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuSulfuriflexus mobilis gen. nov., sp nov., a sulfur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a brackish lake sediment-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-Sep-2016
article (author version)Watanabe, Tomohiro; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuSulfuriferula thiophila sp nov., a chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium, and correction of the name Sulfuriferula plumbophilus Watanabe, Kojima and Fukui 2015 to Sulfuriferula plumbiphila corrig.-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-May-2016
article (author version)Watanabe, Miho; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuComplete genome sequence and cell structure of Limnochorda pilosa, a Gram-negative spore-former within the phylum Firmicutes-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-Mar-2016
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Fukui, ManabuSulfuricaulis limicola gen. nov., sp nov., a sulfur oxidizer isolated from a lake-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-Jan-2016
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Shinohara, Arisa; Fukui, ManabuSulfurifustis variabilis gen. nov., sp nov., a sulfur oxidizer isolated from a lake, and proposal of Acidiferrobacteraceae fam. nov and Acidiferrobacterales ord. nov.-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-30-Oct-2015
article (author version)Watanabe, Miho; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuDesulfoplanes formicivorans gen. nov., sp nov., a novel sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from a blackish meromictic lake, and emended description of the family Desulfomicrobiaceae-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-1-Jun-2015
article (author version)Watanabe, Tomohiro; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuSulfuriferula multivorans gen. nov., sp nov., isolated from a freshwater lake, reclassification of 'Thiobacillus plumbophilus' as Sulfuriferula plumbophilus sp nov., and description of Sulfuricellaceae fam. nov and Sulfuricellales ord. nov.-International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology-May-2015
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Ogura, Yoshitoshi; Yamamoto, Nozomi; Togashi, Tomoaki; Mori, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Nemoto, Fumiko; Kurokawa, Ken; Hayashi, Tetsuya; Fukui, ManabuEcophysiology of Thioploca ingrica as revealed by the complete genome sequence supplemented with proteomic evidence-ISME journal-May-2015
bulletin (article)福井, 学南極の赤雪:微生物生態系の実体Microbial ecosystems in Antarctic red snow低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2012
bulletin (article)福原, 晴夫; 木村, 直哉; 北村, 淳; 落合, 正宏; 山本, 鎔子; 林, 卓志; 大高, 明史; 小島, 久弥; 福井, 学; 菊地, 義昭; 野原, 精一尾瀬地域におけるアカシボの発達過程Developmental stages of spring red snow phenomenon “Akashibo” at the Ozegahara district, Central Japan低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2012
article (author version)Higashioka, Yuriko; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuTemperature-dependent differences in community structure of bacteria involved in degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons under sulfate-reducing conditions-Journal of Applied Microbiology-Jan-2011
article (author version)Tabuchi, Keiichi; Kojima, Hisaya; Fukui, ManabuSeasonal Changes in Organic Matter Mineralization in a Sublittoral Sediment and Temperature-Driven Decoupling of Key Processes-Microbial Ecology-Oct-2010
article (author version)Fujii, Masanori; Takano, Yoshinori; Kojima, Hisaya; Hoshino, Tamotsu; Tanaka, Ryouichi; Fukui, ManabuMicrobial Community Structure, Pigment Composition, and Nitrogen Source of Red Snow in Antarctica-Microbial Ecology-Apr-2010
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Fukuhara, Haruo; Fukui, ManabuCommunity structure of microorganisms associated with reddish-brown iron-rich snow-Systematic and Applied Microbiology-Sep-2009
article (author version)Kojima, Hisaya; Koizumi, Yoshikazu; Fukui, ManabuCommunity structure of bacteria associated with sheaths of freshwater and brackish thioploca species.-Microbial Ecology-Nov-2006
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20


Hokkaido University