Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Takafumi, Hino; Kanno, Yuri; Abe, Shin; Abe, Tetsuto; Enoki, Tsutomu; Hirao, Toshihide; Hiura, Tsutom; Hoshizaki, Kazuhiko; Ida, Hideyuki; Ishida, Ken; Maki, Masayuki; Masaki, Takashi; Naoe, Shoji; Noguchi, Mahoko; Otani, Tatsuya; Sato, Takanori; Sakimoto, Michinori; Sakio, Hitoshi; Takagi, Masahiro; Takashima, Atsushi; Tokuchi, Naoko; Utsumi, Shunsuke; Hidaka, Amane; Nakamura, Masahiro | Assessing insect herbivory on broadleaf canopy trees at 19 natural forest sites across Japan | - | Ecological Research | - | 25-Mar-2021 |
article (author version) | Muller, Astrid; Aoki, Kazuma; Tachibana, Eri; Hiura, Tsutom; Miyazaki, Yuzo | Impact of biogenic emissions of organic matter from a cool-temperate forest on aerosol optical properties | - | Atmospheric environment | - | 15-May-2020 |
article | Müller, Astrid; Miyazaki, Yuzo; Tachibana, Eri; Kawamura, Kimitaka; Hiura, Tsutom | Evidence of a reduction in cloud condensation nuclei activity of water-soluble aerosols caused by biogenic emissions in a cool-temperate forest | - | Scientific Reports | - | 16-Aug-2017 |
article (author version) | Takafumi, Hino; Kawase, Satoru; Nakamura, Masahiro; Hiura, Tsutom | Herbivory in canopy gaps created by a typhoon varies by understory plant leaf phenology | - | Ecological Entomology | - | Oct-2010 |
article (author version) | Takafumi, Hino; Hiura, Tsutom | Effects of disturbance history and environmental factors on the diversity and productivity of understory vegetation in a cool-temperate forest in Japan | - | Forest Ecology and Management | - | 10-Feb-2009 |
bulletin (article) | 日浦, 勉; 上島, 信彦; 奥田, 篤志; 北條, 元; 石田, 亘生; 奥山, 悟 | 北海道大学中川演習林の北方針広混交林におけるトドマツ,ミズナラ,イタヤカエデの直径成長におよぼす込み合い効果 | Crowding Effects on Diameter Growth for Abies sachalinensis, Quercus crispula and Acer mono Trees in a Northern Mixed Forest, Nakagawa Experimental Forest | 北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTS | Sep-1998 |
bulletin (article) | 日浦, 勉; 藤戸, 永志; 石井, 正; 浪花, 彰彦; 菅田, 定雄; 石田, 清; 村上, 正志; 加藤, 悦史; 前野, 華子; 福島, 行我; 酒井, 武 | 北海道大学苫小牧演習林における大面積調査区データにもとづいた落葉広葉樹林の群落構造 | Stand structure of a deciduous broad-leaved forest in Tomakomai Experimental Forest, based on a large-plot data | 北海道大学農学部 演習林研究報告 | RESEARCH BULLETIN OF THE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY FORESTS | Feb-1998 |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7