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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleYoshimura, Takaaki; Shimizu, Shinichi; Hashimoto, Takayuki; Nishioka, Kentaro; Katoh, Norio; Taguchi, Hiroshi; Yasuda, Koichi; Matsuura, Taeko; Takao, Seishin; Tamura, Masaya; Tanaka, Sodai; Ito, Yoichi M.; Matsuo, Yuto; Tamura, Hiroshi; Horita, Kenji; Umegaki, Kikuo; Shirato, HirokiQuantitative analysis of treatments using real-time image gated spot-scanning with synchrotron-based proton beam therapy system log data-Journal of applied clinical medical physics-28-Dec-2020
articleYoshimura, Takaaki; Shimizu, Shinichi; Hashimoto, Takayuki; Nishioka, Kentaro; Katoh, Norio; Inoue, Tetsuya; Taguchi, Hiroshi; Yasuda, Koichi; Matsuura, Taeko; Takao, Seishin; Tamura, Masaya; Ito, Yoichi M.; Matsuo, Yuto; Tamura, Hiroshi; Horita, Kenji; Umegaki, Kikuo; Shirato, HirokiAnalysis of treatment process time for real-time-image gated-spot-scanning proton-beam therapy (RGPT) system-Journal of applied clinical medical physics-Feb-2020
article西本, 尚樹; 堀田, 賢治; 細井, 智宏; 小笠原, 克彦ストマップ理解のためのトレーニング用胃ファントムGastric Phantom for Training Beginners in Gastric Segment (Stomap) Recognition日本放射線技術学会雑誌Japanese journal of Radiological Technology20-Oct-2003
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Hokkaido University