Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 20 of 53
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Shigefuji, Michiko; Takai, Nobuo; Bijukchhen, Subeg; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Rajaure, Sudhir; Dhital, Megh Raj; Paudel, Lalu Prasad; Sasatani, Tsutomu | Strong ground motion data of the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake sequence in the Kathmandu Valley | - | Scientific Data | - | 20-Aug-2022 |
article | Susukida, Yuki; Katsumata, Kei; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Ohzono, Mako; Aoyama, Hiroshi; Tanaka, Ryo; Takada, Masamitsu; Yamaguchi, Teruhiro; Okada, Kazumi; Takahashi, Hiroaki; Sakai, Shin'ichi; Matsumoto, Satoshi; Okada, Tomomi; Matsuzawa, Toru; Miyamachi, Hiroki; Hirano, Shuichiro; Yamanaka, Yoshiko; Horikawa, Shinichiro; Kosuga, Masahiro; Katao, Hiroshi; Iio, Yoshihisa; Nagaoka, Airi; Tsumura, Noriko; Ueno, Tomotake; Miyakawa, Koji; Tanaka, Shin'ichi; Ando, Miwako; Uchida, Naoki; Azuma, Ryosuke; Takagi, Ryota; Yoshida, Keisuke; Nakayama, Takashi; Hirahara, Satoshi; Terakawa, Toshiko; Maeda, Yuta; Miyamachi, Hiroki; Yakiwara, Hiroshi | Focal mechanisms and the stress field in the aftershock area of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake (M-JMA=6.7) | - | Earth planets and space | - | 1-Dec-2021 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 大園, 真子 | 臨時観測によるニセコ火山群の地震活動 | Seismic activity in Niseko volcano group by temporal observation data | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 26-Mar-2021 |
article | Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Mikhaylov, Valentin; Kostylev, Dmitry; Levin, Yuri; Takahashi, Hiroaki | Evaluation for hypocenter estimation error in the southwestern Kuril trench using Japan and Russia joint seismic data | - | Earth planets and space | - | 16-Jun-2020 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; 大園, 真子; 高田, 真秀; 高橋, 浩晃 | 2019年に発生した札幌市西区福井・平和付近の地震活動 | The 2019 earthquake swarm in Fukui-Heiwa border area of Nishi-ward, Sapporo | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2020 |
article | Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Horita, Jun; Nomoto, Shingo; Maeda, Takahiro; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Takahashi, Hiroaki; Yamanaka, Hiroaki; Chimoto, Kosuke; Tsuno, Seiji; Korenaga, Masahiro; Yamada, Nobuyuki | Cause of destructive strong ground motion within 1–2 s in Mukawa town during the 2018 Mw 6.6 Hokkaido eastern Iburi earthquake | - | Earth, Planets and Space | - | 2019 |
bulletin (article) | 椎名, 高裕; 高橋, 浩晃; 勝俣, 啓; 一柳, 昌義 | 3次元速度構造を考慮した襟裳岬周辺における地震の震源決定 | A distribution of earthquakes around the Erimo cape, Hokkaido, Japan, determined by three-dimensional velocity structure | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2018 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; シェスタコフ, ニコライ; 奥山, 哲; 大園, 真子; 笠原, 稔; 高橋, 浩晃 | 2014年7月8日に発生した北海道白老町付近(胆振地方中東部)の地震(MJMA 5.6)について | Seismic activity associated with the 2014 Shiraoi earthquake (MJMA 5.6) in middle east Iburi region, Hokkaido | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2018 |
bulletin (article) | 高橋, 浩晃; 大園, 真子; 一柳, 昌義; 山口, 照寛; 岡田, 和見; 齊藤, 一真; 不破, 智志; 伊藤, ちひろ; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高木, 朗充; 本多, 亮 | 十勝岳火口周辺域での重力鉛直勾配測定 | Measurements for vertical gradient of gravity on active crater region in Tokachi-dake volcano, Hokkaido | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2018 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; シェスタコフ, ニコライ; 奥山, 哲; 大園, 真子; 笠原, 稔; 高橋, 浩晃 | 2014年7月8日に発生した北海道白老町付近(胆振地方中東部)の地震(MJMA5.6)について(電子付録) | Seismic activity associated with the 2014 Shiraoi earthquake(MJMA 5.6)in middle east Iburi region, Hokkaido (Hypocenter data file) | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2018 |
bulletin (article) | 岡田, 和見; 高橋, 浩晃; 一柳, 昌義; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高木, 朗充 | 十勝岳重力観測網での2機種の相対重力計による測定値の比較 | Comparison of gravity measurement values between two relative gravimeter models in Tokachi-dake volcano | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2018 |
article (author version) | Bijukchhen, Subeg; Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Sasatani, Tsutomu | Strong-Motion Characteristics and Visual Damage Assessment Around Seismic Stations in Kathmandu After the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake | - | Earthquake Spectra | - | Dec-2017 |
article | Bijukchhen, Subeg M; Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Sasatani, Tsutomu; Sugimura, Yokito | Estimation of 1-D velocity models beneath strong-motion observation sites in the Kathmandu Valley using strong-motion records from moderate-sized earthquakes | - | Earth, Planets and Space | - | 24-Jul-2017 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; 高田, 真秀; 高橋, 浩晃 | 2016年6月16日に発生した函館市南茅部付近の地震(MJMA 5.3)と余震活動 | Seismic activity associated with the 2016 Minamikayabe earthquake (MJMA5.3)in southern Hokkaido, Japan | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2017 |
bulletin (article) | 高橋, 浩晃; 一柳, 昌義; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高木, 朗充; 宮城, 洋介; 本多, 亮 | 十勝岳白銀荘での重力鉛直勾配測定 | Measurements for vertical gradient of gravity on mountain slope of active Tokachi-dake volcano, Hokkaido | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2016 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛; 岡田, 和見; 大園, 真子; 岡崎, 紀俊 | 2015年に発生した阿寒湖付近の地震(MJMA 5.0) | Seismic activity of the 2015 near Lake Akan earthquake (MJMA5.0) in eastern Hokkaido | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2016 |
article | Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Bijukchhen, Subeg; Sasatani, Tsutomu; Rajaure, Sudhir; Dhital, Megh Raj; Takahashi, Hiroaki | Aftershock activity of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake determined using the Kathmandu strong motion seismographic array | - | Earth, Planets and Space | - | 18-Feb-2016 |
article | Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Bijukchhen, Subeg; Sasatani, Tsutomu; Rajaure, Sudhir; Dhital, Megh Raj; Takahashi, Hiroaki | Aftershock activity of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake determined using the Kathmandu strong motion seismographic array | - | Earth planets and space | - | 18-Feb-2016 |
article | Takai, Nobuo; Shigefuji, Michiko; Rajaure, Sudhir; Bijukchhen, Subeg; Ichiyanagi, Masayoshi; Dhital, Megh Raj; Sasatani, Tsutomu | Strong ground motion in the Kathmandu Valley during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake | - | Earth, Planets and Space | - | 26-Jan-2016 |
bulletin (article) | 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛; 東, 龍介; 山田, 卓司; 大園, 真子; 眞城, 亮成; 笠原, 稔; 谷岡, 勇市郎 | 2012年に発生した北海道北部中川町付近の群発地震活動 | The 2012 Earthquake Swarm in Nakagawa town, northern Hokkaido | 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 | Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University | 19-Mar-2015 |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 53