Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | 大参, 達也; 高橋, 和久; 工藤, 昌行 | Al-Cr系複合鋳込み遠心鋳造材のレーザ表面改質処理 | Laser Surface Modification of Al-Cr Alloy Castings Produced by Centrifugal Duplex Casting | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | 1-Nov-2001 |
article | 松浦, 清隆; 大参, 達也; 伊藤, 洋一; 工藤, 昌行; 田中, 大史 | Al-Cu二元系の純金属混合圧粉体の固相焼結中の組織と強度の変化 | Changes in microstructure and mechanical properties during solid sintering of Al-Cu binary mixed powder compact | 軽金属 | Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals | 30-Mar-1995 |
bulletin (article) | 大宮, 光裕; 大笹, 憲一; 大参, 達也; 工藤, 昌行 | Al-Ge-Si三元系平衝状態図の計算 | Calculation of Equilibrium Phase Diagram of Al-Ge-Si Ternary System | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 20-Jul-1991 |
article | 大参, 達也; 上田, 誠; 工藤, 昌行; 井口, 学 | Al-Ni-Si系複層遠心鋳造管の複合硬化層形成と耐摩耗性 | Formation and wear resistance of composite - hardened layer in centrifugally cast Al-Ni-Si duplex pipes | 鋳造工学 | Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society | 25-Apr-2005 |
bulletin (article) | 工藤, 昌行; 高橋, 忠義 | Al-Si合金の固-液共存層における液相の流動性の定量的評価 | Estimation of the Fluidity of the Liquid in the Solid-Liquid Coexisting Zone of an Al-Si Alloy | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 20-Sep-1982 |
bulletin (article) | 工藤, 昌行; 高橋, 忠義 | Al-Si合金の等軸晶層の形成とその層内の液相流動性 | Formation of Equiaxed Zone and Fluidity of Liquid in the Zone for Al-Si Alloy | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 31-Jul-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 大笹, 憲一; 大宮, 光裕; 工藤, 昌行; 大参, 達也 | Al基三元合金の凝固パスの解析 | Analysis of Solidification Path of Aluminum Base Ternary Alloy | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 29-Jan-1993 |
article | Ohmi, Tatsuya; Murota, Yasuhiro; Kudoh, Masayuki | Centrifugal Casting of Al–Cr Semi-Solid Slurry Produced by Stir-Mix-Quenching | - | Materials Transactions, JIM | - | Oct-1999 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Kitamura, Toshiki; Kudoh, Masayuki; Itoh, Youichi | Changes in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties during Solid Sintering of Ni–Al Mixed Powder Compact | - | Materials Transactions, JIM | - | May-1996 |
article | MATSUURA, Kiyotaka; KITAMURA, Toshiki; KUDOH, Masayuki | Combustion synthesis of Al-Ni alloys by a pseudo-HIP process | - | 軽金属 | Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals | Aug-1996 |
bulletin (article) | Siddiqui, Farooq; Takahashi, Tadayoshi; Kudoh, Masayuki; Ohsasa, Kenichi | Density Changes during Solidification of Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys | - | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 31-Jul-1987 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Maruyama, Hisashi; Kudoh, Masayuki; Itoh, Youichi | Effects of Cooling Rate on Growth Behavior of Austenite Phase during Peritectic Reaction in Iron-Carbon Binary Alloy | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Dec-1995 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Jinmon, Hiroshi; Kudoh, Masayuki | Fabrication of NiAl/Steel Cladding by Reactive Casting | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Feb-2000 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Obara, Yuki; Kudoh, Masayuki | Fabrication of TiB2 Particle Dispersed FeAl-based Composites by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis | - | ISIJ International | - | Jun-2006 |
article | 小原, 裕樹; 工藤, 昌行; 松浦, 清隆 | FeAl-TiB2系複合材の擬HIP燃焼合成 | Pseudo-HIP Combustion Synthesis of FeAl-TiB2 Composites | 鋳造工学 | - | 25-Nov-2006 |
bulletin (article) | Siddiqui, Farooq; Takahashi, Tadayoshi; Kudoh, Masayuki; Ohsasa, Kenichi | Feeding Behavior during Solidification of Binary Alloy Ingots | - | 北海道大學工學部研究報告 | Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University | 31-Jul-1987 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Kudoh, Masayuki | Finite Difference Simulation of Peritectic Transformation in Iron-Carbon Alloy | - | Materials Transactions, JIM | - | Jan-1998 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Kata, Dariusz Boleslaw; Lis, Jerzy Tadeusz; Kudoh, Masayuki | Grain Refinement and Improvement in Mechanical Properties of Nb-Al-Si Intermetallic Alloys | - | ISIJ International | - | Jun-2006 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Kitamura, Toshiki; Kudoh, Masayuki; Itoh, Youichi; Ohmi, Tatsuya | Grain Refinement of Combustion-synthesized NiAl by Addition of Al2O3 Particles | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Jan-1997 |
article | Matsuura, Kiyotaka; Ohsasa, Kenichi; Sueoka, Noritoshi; Kudoh, Masayuki | In-situ Joining of Nickel Monoaluminide to Iron by Reactive Sintering | - | ISIJ International | - | 15-Mar-1998 |