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article田内, 征太郎; 柏谷, 悦章製鋼スラグの完全溶融化とアルカリ溶出挙動Complete Melting of Steelmaking Slag and Behavior of Alkali Dissolution鉄と鋼-Feb-2018
article埜上, 洋; 柏谷, 悦章; 山田, 大祐多流体高炉シミュレータによる水素吹き込み操業の解析Simulation of Blast Furnace Operation with Hydrogen Injection鉄と鋼-Feb-2014
article柏谷, 悦章; 長谷川, 将克水素還元によって得られた純鉄中の不純物の熱力学Thermodynamics of Impurities in Pure Iron Obtained by Hydrogen Reduction鉄と鋼-Feb-2014
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Kuniyoshi; Suzuki, RyosukeEffect of Oxides and Carbonate on the Reaction of Hematite and Graphite Mixture Obtained by the Mechanical Milling-ISIJ International-15-Aug-2011
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Nakamitsu, Tsuyoshi; Kinoshita, Hiroshi; Miura, SeijiBinding Energy of Carbon Implanted into Hematite and in situ Observation of Reaction Behavior during Heating Up Experiment-ISIJ International-15-Aug-2011
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kusada, Yasuaki; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.Atmosphere Controlled Hot Thermocouple Method and Crystallization Phenomenon of CaO–Al2O3 Eutectic Slag-ISIJ International-2011
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Kusada, Yasuaki; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.Effect of Sulfur on the TTT Diagram of CaO–Al2O3 Slag at Eutectic Composition-ISIJ International-2011
article山本, 雄一郎; 柏谷, 悦章; 三浦, 誠司; 西村, 勝; 加藤, 健次; 野村, 誠治; 窪田, 征弘; 国友, 和也; 内藤, 誠章酸化鉄触媒添加コークスの反応挙動Reaction Behavior of Coke with Iron Oxide Catalyst鉄と鋼-1-May-2010
article山本, 雄一郎; 柏谷, 悦章; 三浦, 誠司; 西村, 勝; 加藤, 健次; 野村, 誠治; 窪田, 征弘; 国友, 和也; 内藤, 誠章コークス中に添加された酸化鉄触媒のその場観察と反応機構In Situ Observation and Reaction Mechanism of Iron Oxide Catalyst added to Coke鉄と鋼-1-May-2010
articleKashiwaya, Yoshiaki; Akiyama, TomohiroNanocrack Formation in Hematite through the Dehydration of Goethite and the Carbon Infiltration from Biotar-Journal of Nanomaterials-2010
articleファン, カンスン; 柏谷, 悦章脱リンスラグの凝固初期段階における結晶化とリン分配Phosphorous Partition in Dephosphorization Slag Occurring with Crystallization at Initial Stage of Solidification鉄と鋼-1-Mar-2009
article柏谷, 悦章; ファン, カンスン脱リンスラグ中に析出した結晶の成長過程と結晶–液相間のリン分配挙動Growing Process of Crystal Precipitated in the Dephosphorization Slag and Phosphorous Partition between Crystal and Liquid鉄と鋼-1-Mar-2009
article山本, 雄一郎; 柏谷, 悦章; 西村, 勝; 窪田, 征弘マイクロX線CTを用いたコークス組織の三次元解析3D Analysis of Coke Microstructure Using μ-X-ray CT鉄と鋼-1-Feb-2009
article柏谷, 悦章; 大笹, 憲一; 福田, 耕一; 加藤, 健次; 内藤, 誠章単一気孔内におけるコークス気孔内ガス化反応のシミュレーションのためのセルラーオートマトン法の開発Development of Cellular Automaton Method for Simulating the Coke Gasification in a Pore鉄と鋼-1-Jan-2009
article柏谷, 悦章; 佐藤, 章; 石井, 邦宜55%Al-Zn合金めっき鋼板上の欠陥の種類と生成機構Kinds of Defect and Mechanism of Formation on the Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsApr-2007
article高畑, 雅博; 柏谷, 悦章; 大内, 聖正; 石井, 邦宜弱攪拌下でのメタンハイドレート生成反応に対する酸化鉄および炭素の触媒効果Effect of Catalyst of Iron Oxide-Carbon on Methane Hydrate Formation under Weak Stirring Condition鉄と鋼-1-Jun-2006
article高丸, 広毅; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜コークスガス化反応のその場観察と灰分の挙動In Situ Observation of Coke Gasification and Behavior of Ash鉄と鋼-1-Jul-2004
article柏谷, 悦章; 高丸, 広毅; 石井, 邦宜コークスの開気孔・閉気孔の割合とミクロ気孔の存在場所Location of Micro-pore and the Ratio of Open/Closed Pore in the Cokes鉄と鋼-1-Aug-2003
article柏谷, 悦章; 高畑, 雅博; 石井, 邦宜; 山口, 一良; 内藤, 誠章; 長谷川, 博高温域における球形コークスの反応にともなう組織変化と粉発生挙動Change of Coke Structure and Behavior of Fine Generation during Gasification of Coke Sphere in High Temperature Region鉄と鋼-1-May-2001
article汪, 志全; 佐々木, 康; 柏谷, 悦章; 石井, 邦宜EPMA走査面分析による焼結鉱中のカルシウムフェライト相の組成解析Composition Analysis of Calcium Ferrite in Iron Ore Sinters by EPMA Scanning Method鉄と鋼-1-Jun-2000
Showing results 1 to 20 of 41
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Hokkaido University