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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)川島, 正行; 織田, 将太; 下山, 宏; 渡辺, 力日本海北東部の筋状降雪雲の半日周期振動Semidiurnal Oscillations of Sea-effect Snowbands over the Northeastern Part of the Sea of Japan低温科学Low Temperature Science29-Mar-2024
bulletin (article)川島, 正行寒気吹き出し時に東京都市域で発生する大気下層の乱気流の数値実験Mesoscale model simulation of low-level turbulence in the Tokyo metropolitan area during a cold-air outbreak低温科学-20-Mar-2019
articleKawashima, Masayuki; Fujiyoshi, Yasushi; Ohi, Masayuki; Mori, Shuichi; Sakurai, Namiko; Abe, Yoshiko; Harjupa, Wendi; Syamsudin, Fadli; Yamanaka, Manabu D.Case Study of an Intense Wind Event Associated with a Mesoscale Convective System in West Sumatera during the HARIMAU2006 Campaign-Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan気象集誌5-May-2011
bulletin (article)FUJIYOSHI, Yasushi; TANAKA, Hisamichi; KAWASHIMA, Masayuki; MARUYAMA, Ken-ichi; TAKEDA, TakaoDoppler Radar Observations of Blocked Airflow off the Southeast Coast of the Kii Peninsula in Japan紀伊半島南東沖に形成された風上弱風域のドップラーレーダ観測北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University15-Mar-2005
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University