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article (author version)Terashima, Ayasa; Iwai, Mana; Kikuchi, TatsuyaNanomorphological changes of anodic aluminum oxide fabricated by anodizing in various phosphate solutions over a wide pH range-Applied surface science-15-Dec-2022
article原口, 靖史; 澁谷, 凌太; 夏井, 俊悟; 菊地, 竜也; 鈴木, 亮輔TiO2溶融塩電解還元時のガス発生反応Gas Generation Reactions during TiO2 Reduction Using Molten Salt日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials1-Nov-2019
article夏井, 俊悟; 梨元, 涼太; 問谷, 一偉; 澤田, 旺成; 菊地, 竜也; 鈴木, 亮輔高温融体界面と分散相挙動の数値解析 : Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics 法の製錬プロセス解析への応用Numerical Analysis of Interfacial Morphology and Dispersion Behavior of High-Temperature Melts : Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Metallurgical Processing AnalysisJournal of MMIJ-31-Aug-2019
article菊地, 竜也; 岩井, 愛; 中島, 大希; 夏井, 俊悟; 鈴木, 亮輔アルミニウムのポーラス型アノード酸化皮膜Porous Anodic Oxide Films on Aluminum表面技術Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan1-Dec-2018
article夏井, 俊悟; 澤田, 旺成; 照井, 光輝; 柏原, 佑介; 菊地, 竜也; 鈴木, 亮輔回転強度試験における時系列3D scanningと固気液三相の移動解析によるコークス変形が及ぼす充填層内流れ特性評価Evaluation of Coke Degradation Effect on Flow Characteristics in Packed Bed Using 3D Scanning for Rotational Mechanical Strength Test and Solid-liquid-gas Three-phase Dynamic Model Analysis鉄と鋼-1-Jul-2018
article菊地, 竜也; 中島, 大希; 池田, 大樹; 近藤, 竜之介; 河原, 魁; 國本, 海斗; 岩井, 愛; 鈴木, 雄介; 秋谷, 俊太; 竹永, 章正; 西長, 理; 夏井, 俊悟; 鈴木, 亮輔表面ナノ構造に基づく新規機能性アルミニウム材料の開発Advanced functional aluminum materials based on nanostructured surface軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Apr-2018
article (author version)Suzuki, Nobuyoshi; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.; Natsui, Shungo; Kikuchi, TatsuyaBranched morphology of Nb powder particles fabricated by calciothermic reduction in CaCl2 melt-Journal of physics and chemistry of solids-Nov-2017
proceedingsSuzuki, Ryosuke O.; Matsuura, Fumiya; Natsui, Shungo; Kikuchi, TatsuyaConversion of CO2 to CO gas using molten CaCl2 and ZrO2 anode-Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry (EMECR2017)-Oct-2017
proceedingsNatsui, Shungo; Sawada, Akinori; Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.A direct numerical simulation of trickle flow in cokes bed-Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Energy and Material Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in the Steel Industry (EMECR2017)-Oct-2017
article高橋, 久智美; 行方, 千賀; 菊地, 竜也; 松島, 永佳; 上田, 幹人1,10-Phenanthrolineを添加した1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride-AlCl3イオン液体中における光沢Alめっきの形成Formation of Gloss Al Electroplating in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride-AlCl3 Ionic Liquid Containing 1,10-Phenanthroline表面技術Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan1-Apr-2017
articleSuzuki, Ryosuke O; Noguchi, Hiromi; Hada, Hiromasa; Natsui, Shungo; Kikuchi, TatsuyaReduction of CaTiO3 in Molten CaCl2 - as Basic Understanding of Electrolysis-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Mar-2017
article菊地, 竜也; 中島, 大希; 夏井, 俊悟; 鈴木, 亮輔アノード酸化によるアルミナナノファイバーの作製と表面機能化Fabrication of Alumina Nanofibers via Anodizing and Its Surface Functionalization表面技術Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan1-Oct-2016
article夏井, 俊悟; 菊地, 竜也; 鈴木, 亮輔Euler-Lagrange 法による高炉モデルBlast Furnace Modeling by Euler-Lagrange MethodまてりあMateria Japan1-Sep-2015
article (author version)Wakamatsu, Takafumi; Uchiyama, Takuya; Natsui, Shungo; Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.Solubility of gaseous carbon dioxide in molten LiCl-Li2O-Fluid phase equilibria-15-Jan-2015
articleNatsui, Shungo; Takai, Hifumi; Kumagai, Takehiko; Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Ryosuke OMultiphase Particle Simulation of Gas Bubble Passing Through Liquid/Liquid Interfaces-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Nov-2014
article菊地, 竜也; 中島, 大希; 西長, 理; 夏井, 俊悟; 鈴木, 亮輔アルミニウムのポーラス型アノード酸化皮膜とナノファブリケーションPorous anodic oxide films on aluminum and their nanofabrication軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Oct-2014
article (author version)Descallar-Arriesgado, Reyna Famila; Kobayashi, Naoto; Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Ryosuke O.Calciothermic reduction of NiO by molten salt electrolysis of CaO in CaCl2 melt-Electrochimica Acta-1-Oct-2011
article (author version)菊地, 竜也; 島口, 寛子; 上田, 幹人; 坂入, 正敏; 米澤, 徹; 高橋, 英明導電性高分子を用いた再利用可能なアルミニウム製印刷板の試作Fabrication of reusable aluminum printing plate with conducting polymer表面技術Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of JapanSep-2010
article (author version)Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Hara, Yasuhito; Sakairi, Masatoshi; Yonezawa, Tetsu; Yamauchi, Akira; Takahashi, HideakiCorrosion of Al–Sn–Bi alloys in alcohols at high temperatures. Part II: Effect of anodizing on corrosion-Corrosion Science-Aug-2010
article (author version)菊地, 竜也; 上田, 晋吾; 上田, 幹人; 坂入, 正敏; 高橋, 英明ポリピロール/金の2層構造を有する3次元マイクロアクチュエーターの作製Fabrication of three-dimensional micro-actuators with polypyrrole / gold bi-layer structure表面技術Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of JapanMay-2009
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Hokkaido University