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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article磯部, 公一; 澤村, 康生; 杉山, 裕樹; 篠原, 聖二; 曽我, 恭匡; 小林, 寛; 木村, 亮振動台模型実験による杭基礎一体型鋼管集成橋脚の耐震性能評価Seismic performance of a multiple steel pipes bridge pier integrated by pile foundation without a footing using shaking table tests土木学会論文集C(地圏工学)Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. C (Geosphere Engineering)2016
article (author version)Motohashi, Teruki; Kimura, Makoto; Inayoshi, Takeru; Ueda, Taku; Masubuchi, Yuji; Kikkawa, ShinichiRedox characteristics variations in the cation-ordered perovskite oxides BaLnMn(2)O(5+delta) (Ln = Y, Gd, Nd, and La) and Ca2Al1-xGaxMnO5+delta (0 <= x <= 1)-Dalton transactions-2015
articleIsobe, Koichi; Kimura, Makoto; Ohtsuka, SatoruDesign approach to a method for reinforcing existing caisson foundations using steel pipe sheet piles-Soils and Foundations-2014
bulletin (article)木村, 純生涯学習における大学の役割:生涯学習者を育てる大学The Role of University in Lifelong Learning北海道大学大学院教育学研究科紀要-Mar-2002
bulletin (article)木村, 純; 小林, 甫「町づくりと生涯学習」 と大学の役割Community Reform and Lifelong Learning The University Role高等教育ジャーナルJournal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning1997
article木村, 純農民的農業の主体的対応と展望 : 別海マイペース酪農交流会を事例に(1995年度秋季大会シンポジウム「農業再編と主体的対応」)Present and Future of Dairy Farming : For Law Input Management Activities in Bekkai(REPORTS AND DISCUSSIONS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY IN 1995: Farmers' Attitude toward the Reformation of Agriculture)北海道農業経済研究-30-May-1996
bulletin (article)木村, 純地域住民の福祉活動と生涯学習 : コープくらしの助け合いの会を事例にCommunity Social Welfare Activities and Lifelong Learning高等教育ジャーナルJournal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning1996
bulletin (article)木村, 純生産調整下の酪農経営と酪農民の課題A Study on the Problem for Dairy Farmer and Dairy Farm Management under the Milk Control.北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEOct-1982
bulletin (article)木村, 純酪農生産力の発展と酪農民の教育課題A Study on the Dairy Farmer's Education relating with the Development of the Productivity in the Dairy Farming北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1981
bulletin (article)Hariya, Yu; Kimura, MakotoOptical Anomaly Garnet and its Stability Field at High Pressures and Temperatures-北海道大学理学部紀要Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogySep-1978
bulletin (article)Onuma, Kosuke; Kimura, MakotoStudy of the System CaMgSi2O6-CaFe3+AlSiO6-CaAl2SiO6-CaTiAl2O6 : II. The Join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6-CaTiAl2O6 and its Bearing on Ca-Al-Rich Inclusions in Carbonaceous Chondrite-北海道大学理学部紀要Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogyFeb-1978
bulletin (article)美土路, 達雄; 山田, 定市; 高倉, 嗣昌; 神田, 嘉延; 木村, 純; 藤田, 昇司; 千葉, 悦子北海道における農業生産力の現段階On the Present Stage of Agricultural Productive Forces in Hokkaido北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1977
bulletin (article)Takeshita, Hisashi; Yagi, Kenzo; Oka, Yasutami; Kimura, MakotoWollastonite and associated minerals from Moji, Kita-Kyushu City-Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy北海道大學理學部紀要Sep-1976
bulletin (article)木村, 純酪農地帯における挙家離農の実態と性格A Research on the conditions and characteristics of the whole family retirement from peasant farming in dairy areas北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1976
bulletin (article)山田, 定市; 高倉, 嗣昌; 斉藤, 秀平; 神田, 嘉延; 木村, 純地域農業の展開と農民運動(下):白糠町における実践事例を中心にA Study on the Farmer's Association Movement relating with the Regional Agricultural Development.(2)北海道大學教育學部紀要THE ANNUAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCEMar-1974
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


Hokkaido University