Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article (author version) | Nagane, Masaki; Yasui, Hironobu; Sakai, Yuri; Yamamori, Tohru; Niwa, Koichi; Hattori, Yuichi; Kondo, Takashi; Inanami, Osamu | Activation of eNOS in endothelial cells exposed to ionizing radiation involves components of the DNA damage response pathway | - | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | - | Feb-2015 |
bulletin (article) | KONDO, Takashi; HATTORI, Masakazu; KODAMA, Hiroshi; ONUMA, Misao; MIKAMI, Takeshi | CHARACTERIZATION OF TWO MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES WHICH RECOGNIZE DIFFERENT SUBPOPULATIONS OF CHICKEN T LYMPHOCYTES | - | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | - | 9-Feb-1990 |
bulletin (article) | KONDO, Takashi | CHICKEN T-LYMPHOCYTE SURFACE ANTIGENS CHARACTERIZED BY MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES | - | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | - | 30-Apr-1986 |
article | Kondo, Takashi; Moriyoshi, Akihiro; Yoshida, Takaki; Takahashi, Souichi | Crack Formation in Asphalt Mixtures in the Wheel Tracking Test at High Temperature | 高温時のホイールトラッキング試験によりアスファルト混合物内部に発生するひび割れ | Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute | - | 2004 |
article | Kondo, Takashi; Moriyoshi, Akihiro; Yoshida, Takaki; Takahashi, Shouichi; Imai, Takeshi | Deformation Properties of Asphalt Mixture on Various Loading Conditions for Wheel Tracking Test | 載荷条件の異なるホイールトラッキング試験におけるアスファルト混合物の変形特性 | Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute | - | 2005 |
bulletin (article) | KONDO, Takashi | ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF γ-IRRADIATION ON THE CHROMATIN STRUCTURE | - | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | - | Apr-1977 |
article (author version) | Matsushita, Taku; Honda, Shiho; Kuriyama, Taisuke; Fujita, Yuki; Kondo, Takashi; Matsui, Yoshihiko; Shirasaki, Nobutaka; Takanashi, Hirokazu; Kameya, Takashi | Identification of mutagenic transformation products generated during oxidation of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol solutions by orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry and quantitative structure activity relationship analyses | - | Water research | - | 1-Feb-2018 |
article | Kondo, Takashi; Moriyoshi, Akihiro; Yoshida, Takaki; Takahashi, Souichi | Movement Characteristics of Aggregates in Asphalt Mixtures during the Wheel Tracking Test | ホイールトラッキング試験におけるアスファルト混合物内部の骨材の移動特性 | Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute | - | 2003 |
article | Abd-Alla, El-Sayed Mohamed; Moriyoshi, Akihiro; Partl, Manfred N.; Takahashi, Kenzi; Kondo, Takashi; Tomoto, Takashi | New Wheel Tracking Test to Analyze Movements of Aggregates in Multi-layered Asphalt Specimens | - | Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute | - | Sep-2006 |
article (author version) | Matsushita, Taku; Morimoto, Ayako; Kuriyama, Taisuke; Matsumoto, Eisuke; Matsui, Yoshihiko; Shirasaki, Nobutaka; Kondo, Takashi; Takanashi, Hirokazu; Kameya, Takashi | Removals of pesticides and pesticide transformation products during drinking water treatment processes and their impact on mutagen formation potential after chlorination | - | Water research | - | 1-Jul-2018 |
bulletin (article) | KONDO, Takashi | THRESHOLD INTENSITY OF 1.2 MHz CONTINUOUS ULTRASOUND IN DNA ALTERATION AND CELLULAR INACTIVATION | - | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | - | 31-May-1980 |
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11