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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Sasaki, Yoshi N.; Minobe, ShoshiroClimatological mean features and interannual to decadal variability of ring formations in the Kuroshio Extension region-Journal of oceanography-Oct-2015
articleSasaki, Yoshi N.; Minobe, Shoshiro; Schneider, NiklasDecadal Response of the Kuroshio Extension Jet to Rossby Waves: Observation and Thin-Jet Theory-Journal of Physical Oceanography-Feb-2013
articleSasaki, Yoshi N.; Minobe, Shoshiro; Miura, YujiDecadal sea-level variability along the coast of Japan in response to ocean circulation changes-Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans-16-Jan-2014
proceedingsSumata, Hiroshi; Minobe, Shoshiro; Motoi, Tatsuo; Chan, Wing-LeImpact of Panamanian Gateway Opening on the Global Ocean Circulation-Neo-Science of Natural History: Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies : Proceedings of International Symposium on "Dawn of a New Natural History - Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies" March 5-6, 2004, Sapporo-2004
proceedingsMinobe, ShoshiroSpatial Distribution of Turbulent Heat Fluxes in the Western North Pacific : Ocean Current Constraint for Hot Spot of Mid-Latitude Air-Sea Interaction-Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity : Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, held from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan-2008
proceedingsMinobe, ShoshiroUpdated Assessments of the 1998/99 Climate Change over the North Pacific-Neo-Science of Natural History: Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies : Proceedings of International Symposium on "Dawn of a New Natural History - Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies" March 5-6, 2004, Sapporo-2004
bulletin (article)見延, 庄士郎わが国の桜の開花日に対する北半球規模の気候変動の影響Influence of Climate Variability over the Northern Hemisphere on Cherry Bloom Date in Japan北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University15-Mar-2005
bulletin (article)佐々木, 克徳; 見延, 庄士郎オホーツク海の十年変動 : 海氷と上層水温Decadal variability in the Okhotsk Sea : Sea-ice and upper ocean temperature低温科学Low Temperature Science23-Mar-2007
bulletin (article)見延, 庄士郎; 竹内, 謙介赤道での年周期の海面変動における風応力の寄与の東西分布Zonal Distribution of Wind Forcing Contributions to Annual Period Sea-Level Displacement at the Equator北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University10-Sep-1992
bulletin (article)見延, 庄士郎; 竹内, 謙介太平洋における年周期の赤道波Annual Equatorial Waves in Pacific Ocean北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University30-Sep-1988
bulletin (article)見延, 庄士郎北太平洋・北米における数十年スケール気候変動Interdecadal Climate Variability over the North Pacific and North America北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University25-Mar-1996
bulletin (article)西野, 茂人; 金成, 誠一; 日比谷, 紀之; 見延, 庄士郎北太平洋の中層循環Mid-depth Water Circulation in the North Pacific北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University20-Sep-1995
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University