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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleKawamura, S.; Kawasaki, M.; Morita, S.; Komiya, M.; Itoh, K.On-line Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Sensing Techniques for Assessing Milk Quality in Automatic Milking Systems-ASAE/CSAE Meeting Paper-2004
bulletin (article)Kawazumi, N.; Morita, S.The primary approximation to the cohomology of the moduli space of curves and cocycles for the stable characteristic classes-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-1-Aug-1996
article (author version)Sugawara, S.; Oizumi, Satoshi; Minato, K.; Harada, T.; Inoue, A.; Fujita, Y.; Maemondo, M.; Yoshizawa, H.; Ito, K.; Gemma, A.; Nishitsuji, M.; Harada, M.; Isobe, H.; Kinoshita, I.; Morita, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Hagiwara, K.; Kurihara, M.; Nukiwa, T.Randomized phase II study of concurrent versus sequential alternating gefitinib and chemotherapy in previously untreated non-small cell lung cancer with sensitive EGFR mutations : NEJ005/TCOG0902-Annals of oncology-May-2015
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Hokkaido University