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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Hiwatari, Masato; Yamada, Daichi; Hangoma, Peter; Narita, Daiju; Mphuka, Chrispin; Chitah, Bona; Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta MM; Nakata, Hokuto; Choongo, Kennedy; Ishizuka, MayumiAssessing the population-wide exposure to lead pollution in Kabwe, Zambia : blood lead level estimation based on survey data-Discussion Paper, Series A-May-2019
articleYamada, Daichi; Hiwatari, Masato; Hangoma, Peter; Narita, Daiju; Mphuka, Chrispin; Chitah, Bona; Yabe, John; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Nakata, Hokuto; Choongo, Kennedy; Ishizuka, MayumiAssessing the population-wide exposure to lead pollution in Kabwe, Zambia: an econometric estimation based on survey data-Scientific reports-15-Sep-2020
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Hokkaido University