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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleMurao, Tadashi; Nagao, Koyuru; Saitoh, Kunimasa; Koshiba, MasanoriUnderstanding formation of photonic bandgap edge for maximum propagation angle in all-solid photonic bandgap fibers-Journal of the Optical Society of America B : Optical Physics-1-Mar-2011
articleMurao, Tadashi; Saitoh, Kunimasa; Koshiba, MasanoriMultiple resonant coupling mechanism for suppression of higher-order modes in all-solid photonic bandgap fibers with heterostructured cladding-Optics Express-31-Jan-2011
articleMurao, Tadashi; Saitoh, Kunimasa; Koshiba, MasanoriDetailed theoretical investigation of bending properties in solid-core photonic bandgap fibers-Optics Express-27-Apr-2009
articleSaitoh, Kunimasa; Florous, Nikolaos; Murao, Tadashi; Varshney, Shailendra; Koshiba, MasanoriPhotonic Bandgap Fiber Filter Design Based on Nonproximity Resonant Coupling Mechanism-IEEE Photonics Technology Letters-1-Oct-2007
articleSaitoh, Kunimasa; Florous, Nikolaos John; Murao, Tadashi; Koshiba, MasanoriRealistic Design of Large-Hollow-Core Photonic Band-Gap Fibers With Suppressed Higher Order Modes and Surface Modes-Journal of Lightwave Technology-Sep-2007
article (author version)Murao, Tadashi; Saitoh, Kunimasa; Florous, Nikolaos J.; Koshiba, MasanoriDesign of effectively single-mode air-core photonic bandgap fiber with improved transmission characteristics for the realization of ultimate low loss waveguide-Optics Express-2-Apr-2007
article (author version)Saitoh, Kunimasa; Florous, Nikolaos J.; Murao, Tadashi; Koshiba, MasanoriDesign of photonic band gap fibers with suppressed higher-order modes: Towards the development of effectively single mode large hollow-core fiber platforms-Optics Express-7-Aug-2006
article (author version)Florous, J. Florous; Saitoh, Kunimasa; Murao, Tadashi; Koshiba, Masanori; Skorobogatiy, MaksimNon-proximity resonant tunneling in multi-core photonic band gap fibers: An efficient mechanism for engineering highly-selective ultra-narrow band pass splitters-OPTICS EXPRESS-29-May-2006
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


Hokkaido University