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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Wang, Yanlin; Mwale, Carol; Akaraphutiporn, Ekkapol; Kim, Sangho; Sunaga, Takafumi; Okumura, MasahiroSulfate level relied effects of pentosan polysulfate sodium on inhibiting the proliferation of canine articular chondrocytes by targeting PI3K/Akt pathway-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-27-Nov-2023
bulletin (article)Mwale, Carol; Sunaga, Takafumi; Wang, Yanlin; Bwalya, Eugene C.; Wijekoon, H. M. Suranji; Kim, Sangho; Okumura, MasahiroIn vitro chondrotoxicity of bupivacaine at low concentrations in cultured canine articular chondrocytes-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-30-Aug-2023
theses (doctoral - abstract and summary of review)Mwale, CarolChondrotoxicity of local anesthetics : in vitro effects of local anesthetics on cell viability and apoptosis in cultured canine articular chondrocytes [an abstract of dissertation and a summary of dissertation review]局所麻酔薬の軟骨毒性に関する研究 : 培養軟骨細胞における局所麻酔薬の細胞障害性とアポトーシスについて [論文内容及び審査の要旨]--30-Jun-2023
theses (doctoral)Mwale, CarolChondrotoxicity of local anesthetics : in vitro effects of local anesthetics on cell viability and apoptosis in cultured canine articular chondrocytes局所麻酔薬の軟骨毒性に関する研究 : 培養軟骨細胞における局所麻酔薬の細胞障害性とアポトーシスについて--30-Jun-2023
bulletin (article)Tsogbadrakh, Mijiddorj; Sunaga, Takafumi; Bwalya, Eugene; Wijekoon, Suranji; Akaraphutiporn, Ekkapol; Wang, Yanlin; Mwale, Carol; Naranbaatar, Adiya; Kim, Sangho; Hosoya, Kenji; Alimaa, Damdinsuren; Okumura, MasahiroClinical evaluation of pentosan polysulfate as a chondroprotective substance in native Mongolian horses-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-Aug-2020
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


Hokkaido University