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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kato, Kunihiko; Inoue, Takashi; Ietsugu, Hidehiro; Koba, Toshinobu; Sasaki, Hitoshi; Miyaji, Naomichi; Kitagawa, Katsuji; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Nagasawa, TetuakiPerformance of six multi-stage hybrid wetland systems for treating high-content wastewater in the cold climate of Hokkaido, Japan-Ecological Engineering-8-Jan-2013
article山本, 忠男; 長澤, 徹明地域住民の農業水利施設維持管理への参加要因Motivation Factors of Local Residents' Participation in the Maintenance Works of Irrigation and Drainage Facilities農村計画学会誌Journal of Rural Planning Association28-Feb-2010
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治; 李, 里漫傾斜枠試験による土壌流亡挙動の研究 (Ⅲ) : 侵食挙動の季節的特性Behaviors of Soil Loss in Slope-Lysimeter (Ⅲ) : Seasonal characteristics of erosion北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-5-Oct-1991
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治; 李, 里漫傾斜枠試験による土壌流亡挙動の研究 (Ⅱ) : 1989年春期における流出と侵食Behaviors of Soil Loss in Slope-lysimeter (Ⅱ) : Runoff and Erosion on Bare Slope, Spring 1989北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Aug-1990
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治; 井上, 京; 李, 里漫傾斜枠試験による土壌流亡挙動の研究 (Ⅰ) : 1988年秋期における裸地区の水食Behaviors of Soil Loss in Slope-lysimeter (Ⅰ) : Rainfall and Erosion on Bare Slope, Autumn, 1988北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Mar-1990
bulletin (article)UMEDA, Yasuharu; NAGASAWA, Tetuaki; INOUE, TakashiPATTERNS OF GROUNDWATER TABLE FLUCTUATIONS AND ESTIMATION OF EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ON RUOERGAI PEATLAND, CHINA-Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部紀要Mar-1990
bulletin (article)桜田, 純司; 梅田, 安治; 長沢, 徹明土壌水分と流出 : 傾斜草地に関する農業土木的研究(III)Soil Water and Runoff on Forest and Grassland : Engineering Study on Hillslope Grassland (III)北海道大学農学部牧場研究報告Research bulletin of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University25-Jan-1988
bulletin (article)梅田, 安治; 長沢, 徹明; 水谷, 環改良山成畑工による農地の造成と保全 (Ⅰ) : 斜里山麓・南後志地域における調査事例Conservation of Agricultural Lands by Field Reclamation at Improved Slope (Ⅰ) : Case studies of Syari-sanroku and Minami-siribesi districts in Hokkaido北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Oct-1987
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治; 水谷, 環北海道の農林地流域河川における浮流土砂流送挙動Behaviors of Suspended Sediment Loads from Agro-forestry Basin in Hokkaido北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Oct-1987
bulletin (article)梅田, 安治; 長沢, 徹明; 水谷, 環改良山成畑工による農地の造成と保全 (Ⅱ) : 農地造成過程における地盤の性質変化Conservation of Agricultural Lands by Field Reclamation at Improved Slope (Ⅱ) : Change of field foundation characteristics with the reclamation processes北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-31-Oct-1987
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治; 水谷, 環積雪寒冷地域の傾斜農地における融凍期の侵食問題Soil Erosion in the Thawing Period on Agricultural Sloping Land of Snowy, Cold Region北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-26-Mar-1987
bulletin (article)長沢, 徹明; 梅田, 安治山林傾斜地における草地造成と保全 : 傾斜草地に関する農業土木的研究 (Ⅱ)Grassland Reclamation and Soil Coservation of Forest on a Sloping Land : Engineering Study on hillslope grassland (Ⅱ)北海道大学農学部邦文紀要-20-Jan-1987
bulletin (article)梅田, 安治; 長沢, 徹明; 水谷, 環ササ地の草地化と降雨の浸入 : 傾斜草地に関する農業土木的研究(I)Infiltration of Sasa Field and Grassland : Engineering Study on Hillslope Grassland (I)北海道大学農学部附属牧場研究報告Research bulletins of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University28-Dec-1985
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13


Hokkaido University