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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleYoshimura, Shumpei; Nakagawa, MitsuhiroChlorine Heterogeneity in Volcanic Glass as a Faithful Record of Silicic Magma Degassing-Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth-May-2021
articleIshii, Chihiro; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Nakayama, Shouta Mm; Kuritani, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Saito, Keisuke; Watanabe, Yukiko; Ogasawara, Kohei; Onuma, Manabu; Haga, Atsushi; Ishizuka, MayumiCurrent situation regarding lead exposure in birds in Japan (2015-2018); lead exposure is still occurring-Journal of veterinary medical science-Aug-2020
bulletin (article)松本, 亜希子; 宮坂, 瑞穂; 中川, 光弘EPMAによる火山ガラス組成分析:Na損失の検証と分析条件の提案Analysis of volcanic glass compositions using WDS-EPMA: Examination of Na Migration and Proposal of Analytical condition北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University19-Mar-2015
article (author version)Kuritani, Takeshi; Tanaka, Mayumi; Yokoyama, Tetsuya; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Matsumoto, AkikoIntensive Hydration of the Wedge Mantle at the Kuril Arc-NE Japan Arc Junction : Implications from Mafic Lavas from Usu Volcano, Northern Japan-Journal of petrology-Jun-2016
article (author version)Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Nakata, Hokuto; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Yabe, John; Oroszlany, Balazs; Yohannes, Yared B.; Bortey-Sam, Nesta; Muzandu, Kaampwe; Choongo, Kennedy; Kuritani, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Ishizuka, MayumiOne year exposure to Cd- and Pb-contaminated soil causes metal accumulation and alteration of global DNA methylation in rats-Environmental Pollution-Sep-2019
articleOiwa, Kazuki; Kuritani, Takeshi; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Yoshimura, ShumpeiPre-eruption magmatic processes and magma plumbing system at Hachijo-Nishiyama volcano, Izu-Bonin arc, Japan-Earth planets and space-16-Jan-2023
bulletin (article)Nakagawa, MitsuhiroSpatial Variation in Chemical Composition of Pliocene and Quaternary Volcanic Rocks in Southwestern and Quaternary Volcanic Rocks in Southwestern Hokkaido, Northeastern Japan Arc-北海道大学理学部紀要Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogyAug-1992
articleKuritani, Takeshi; Shimizu, Kenji; Ushikubo, Takayuki; Xia, Qun-Ke; Liu, Jia; Nakagawa, Mitsuhiro; Taniuchi, Hajime; Sato, Eiichi; Doi, NobuoTracing the subducting Pacific slab to the mantle transition zone with hydrogen isotopes-Scientific reports-21-Sep-2021
bulletin (article)長谷川, 健; 山本, 明彦; 神山, 裕幸; 中川, 光弘阿寒カルデラとその周辺の重力構造Gravity Structure of the Akan Caldera and Its Vicinity, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University15-Mar-2006
bulletin (article)本多, 亮; 山谷, 祐介; 市原, 寛; 長谷, 英彰; 茂木, 透; 山下, 晴之; 大山, 倫敦; 上嶋, 誠; 中川, 光弘屈斜路カルデラ周辺におけるMT 法による比抵抗探査Magnetotelluric Investigation around the Kutcharo Caldera Region北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University19-Mar-2011
bulletin (article)本多, 亮; 市原, 寛; 神山, 裕幸; 茂木, 透; 中川, 光弘北海道東部弟子屈地域の重力異常Gravity Anomaly over the Teshikaga Region, Eastern Hokkaido北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University19-Mar-2011
bulletin (article)宮坂, 瑞穂; 中川, 光弘蘭越町および共和町のボーリングコアに産出する洞爺カルデラ形成噴火噴出物についてDeposits of Toya caldera-forming eruption in boring cores at Kyowa and Rankoshi towns北海道大学地球物理学研究報告Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University26-Mar-2021
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University