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article光原, 昌寿; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 早川, 弘之; 楠元, 淳一; 金谷, 章宏18Cr–9Ni–3Cu–Nb–N鋼のクリープ変形に伴う組織変化とそのクリープ破壊への影響Effect of Microstructural Change on Creep Rupture during Creep Deformation in 18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N Steel鉄と鋼-1-Aug-2008
article光原, 昌寿; 波多, 聰; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 田中, 將己; 東田, 賢二2種類の回折条件を用いた転位組織の3次元可視化Three-dimensional Visualization of Dislocations Using Two Diffraction ConditionsまてりあMateria JapanDec-2009
article池田, 賢一; 宮田, 幸昌; 吉原, 隆浩; 高田, 尚記; 中島, 英治6111アルミニウム合金のリジング発生に及ぼす加工熱処理の影響とCube方位粒形成過程Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on ridging behavior and cube-oriented grain formation process in 6111 aluminum alloy軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Aug-2014
article光原, 昌寿; 寺田, 大将; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治9Crフェライト系耐熱鋼のΩ法解析とクリープ強化機構のΩ値への影響Creep Curve Analysis Ω with Method and Effect of Creep Strengthening Mechanism on Ω Value in 9Cr Ferritic Heat-resistant Steels鉄と鋼-1-Mar-2008
articleTakata, Naoki; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Nakashima, Hideharu; Abe, HiroshiAbnormal Grain Growth of Off-Cube Grains in High Purity Aluminum Foils with Cube Texture-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-Dec-2005
article池田, 賢一; 高下, 拓也; 秋吉, 竜太郎; 波多, 聰; 中島, 英治; 山田, 和広; 金子, 賢治Al–Mg–Si合金の再結晶挙動に及ぼすスカンジウムとジルコニウム添加の影響Effects of Scandium and Zirconium addition on recrystallization behavior of Al–Mg–Si alloy軽金属Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals30-Nov-2016
article秋吉, 竜太郎; 池田, 賢一; 波多, 聰; 中島, 英治; 笠間, 丈史; 高田, 健; 高橋, 淳; 潮田, 浩作; 金子, 賢治Al-0.62 mass%Mg-0.32 mass%Si 合金の引張変形特性に及ぼす時効析出形態の影響Influence of Aging Products on Tensile Deformation Behavior of Al-0.62 mass%Mg-0.32 mass%Si Alloy日本金属学会誌Journal of the Japan Institute of MetalsMay-2015
articleTakata, Naoki; Yamada, Kousuke; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Tsuji, NobuhiroChange in Microstructure and Texture during Annealing of Pure Copper Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll Bonding-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Aug-2007
articleIi, Seiichiro; Hirota, Takeshi; Fujimoto, Kensuke; Sugimoto, Youhei; Takata, Naoki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Nakashima, Hideharu; Nakashima, HiroshiDirect Evidence of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Formation during Aluminum Induced Crystallization by In-Situ Heating TEM Observation-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Apr-2008
article中田, 伸生; 池田, 賢一; 首藤, 洋志; 横井, 龍雄; 土山, 聡宏; 波多, 聰; 中島, 英治; 高木, 節雄DP鋼の打抜き大変形の定量的評価とそのミクロ組織変化(第2報) : 電子線後方散乱法とデジタル画像相間法を組み合わせたDP鋼の局所ひずみマッピングQuantification of Large Deformation with Punching in Dual Phase Steel and Change of its’ Microstructure : Part II: Local Strain Mapping of Dual Phase Steel by a Combination Technique of Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Digital Image Correlation Methods鉄と鋼-May-2016
article吉田, 冬樹; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 阿部, 弘EBSP法による電解コンデンサ用高純度アルミニウム箔の立方体集合組織形成機構の検討Examination of Formation Mechanisms of Cube Texture in High Purity Aluminum Foils for Electrolytic Capacitor by EBSP TechniqueまてりあMateria Japan20-Jul-2001
articleIkeda, Ken-ichi; Takashita, Takuya; Akiyoshi, Ryutaro; Hata, Satoshi; Nakashima, Hideharu; Yamada, Kazuhiro; Kaneko, KenjiEffects of Scandium and Zirconium Addition on Recrystallization Behavior of Al–Mg–Si Alloy-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Apr-2018
articleABE, Hiroshi; IKEDA, Ken-ichi; NAKASHIMA, Hideharu; YOSHIDA, Fuyuki; KOGA, KazukoEvaluation of Indentation Induced Residual Stress in the Surface of Float Glass圧子によるフロートガラス表面残留応力の評価Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌1-Apr-2000
articleNAGAE, Tatsushi; KITAHARA, Hiromoto; IKEDA, Ken-ichi; YOSHIDA, Fuyuki; NAKASHIMA, Hideharu; ITO, Setsurou; ABE, HiroshiEvaluation of Indentation Induced Residual Stress on the Surface of Substrate Glasses for Displayディスプレイ用ガラスにおける圧子押し込み誘起表面残留応力の評価Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌1-Sep-2002
article波多, 聰; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 谷川, 昌弘; 石本, 卓也; 中野, 貴由FIBによる生体硬組織薄膜化とTEM観察FIB Thinning and TEM Observation of Hard TissueまてりあMateria JapanDec-2009
articleIkeda, Ken-ichi; Yamada, Kousuke; Takata, Naoki; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Tsuji, NobuhiroGrain Boundary Structure of Ultrafine Grained Pure Copper Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Jan-2008
articleTakata, Naoki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Abe, HiroshiInfluence of Purity on the Formation of Cube Texture in Aluminum Foils for Electrolytic Capacitors-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-May-2004
articleShen, Junjie; Yamasaki, Shigeto; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Hata, Satoshi; Nakashima, HideharuLow-Temperature Creep at Ultra-Low Strain Rates in Pure Aluminum Studied by a Helicoid Spring Specimen Technique-MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS-1-Jul-2011
article大橋, 徹也; 波多, 聰; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 山本, 明保; 下山, 淳一; 堀井, 滋; 岸尾, 光二MgB2 多結晶バルク体の力学特性Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline MgB2 Bulk低温工学Journal of the Cryogenic Society of JapanAug-2008
article嶋田, 雄介; 大橋, 徹也; 波多, 聰; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 望月, 利彦; 下山, 淳一; 堀井, 滋; 岸尾, 光二Premix-PICT拡散法で作製したMgB2超伝導バルク体の臨界電流特性に及ぼす微細組織の影響Influences of Microstructure on Critical Current Properties in MgB2 Superconducting Bulk Fabricated using a Premix-PICT Method低温工学Journal of the Cryogenic Society of JapanDec-2009
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Hokkaido University