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TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)小関, 忠雄; 野名, 辰二; 大久保, 正彦; 関根, 純二郎; 朝日田, 康司地形および放牧強度が傾斜地草地の生産性に及ぼす影響Effects of landscape and stocking rate on the productivity of pasture北海道大学農学部附属牧場研究報告Research bulletins of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University1-Sep-1981
bulletin (article)Kondo, Seiji; Nona, Tatsuji; Asahida, Yasushi; Hirose, YoshitsuneSeasonal Variation of Area Occupied and Spatial Behavior in Grazing Beef Cattle放牧肉牛群における占有面積の季節変化と群構造について北海道大学農学部附属牧場研究報告Research bulletins of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University2-May-1979
bulletin (article)近藤, 誠司; 野名, 辰二; 伊藤, 徹三; 朝日田, 康司; 広瀬, 可恒放牧牛群の占有面積の日内変化The Diurnal Variation of Area Occupied by the Grazing Steer Herd北海道大学農学部附属牧場研究報告Research bulletins of the Livestock Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University9-Jul-1977
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Hokkaido University