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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Ishiguro, N.; Oyamada, R.; Nasuhara, Y.; Yamada, T.; Miyamoto, T.; Imai, S.; Akizawa, K.; Fukumoto, T.; Iwasaki, S.; Iijima, H.; Ono, K.Three-day regimen of oseltamivir for postexposure prophylaxis of influenza in wardsThree-day regimen of oseltamivir for post-exposure prophylaxis of influenza in wardsJournal of hospital infection-Oct-2016
articleMochizuki, T.; Miyazaki, Y.; Ono, K.; Wada, R.; Takahashi, Y.; Saigusa, N.; Kawamura, K.; Tani, A.Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds and subsequent formation of secondary organic aerosols in a Larix kaempferi forest-Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics-29-Oct-2015
proceedingsMICHITANI, A.; ONO, K.; NISHIMURA, N.A STUDY ON MODELING OF STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIP AND PANEL POINTS OF STEEL TRUSS BRIDGES USED IN DYNAMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS-Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13)-13-Sep-2013
proceedingsHAMAMURA, K.; ONO, K.; MATSUMURA, M.; TARUI, T.; KODA, S.AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SBHS700 AND APPLICATION OF SBHS700 TO STIFFENED PLATES-Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13)-13-Sep-2013
proceedingsHASHIMOTO, S.; ONO, K.; OKADA, S.AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION OF SBHS500-Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13)-13-Sep-2013
proceedingsKITAICHI, S.; ONO, K.; OKADA, S.EFFECT OF REVISED DESIGN EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTIONS CONSIDERING ZONES FACTORS ON NONLINEAR RESPONSE OF STEEL BRIDGE PIERS-Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13)-12-Sep-2013
bookchapterOno, K.; Suzuki, R. O.A Process for Continuous Titanium Production from Titanium Oxide---2001
proceedingsSuzuki, R. O.; Ono, K.Enhanched Evaporation of Copper by NH3 Gas Blowing-Proceedings of 10th International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-X), Jülich, Germany, 10–14 April 2000-Apr-2000
bulletin (article)Ono, K.; Honda, N.1999年度談話会・特別講演アブストラクト集 Colloquium Lectures 北海道大学理学部数学教室-Hokkaido University technical report series in mathematics北海道大学数学講究録1-Jan-2000
bookchapter (author version)Ohshima, T.; Suzuki, R. O.; Yagura, T.; Ono, K.Direct Powder Preparation of Nb-Ti Alloy from the Oxide Mixture---2000
bookchapter (author version)Suzuki, R. O.; Deura, T. N.; Ishii, R.; Matsunaga, T.; Harada, T. N.; Wakino, M.; Ono, K.Titanium Powder Preparation from TiCl4 in the Molten Salt---2000
articleSuzuki, R. O.; Ueki, T.; Ikezawa, M.; Okabe, T. H.; Oishi, T.; Ono, K.A Fundamental Study on Preparation of Al3Ti Powders by Calciothermic Reduction of Oxides-Materials Transactions, JIM-Mar-1991
articleSuzuki, R. O.; Ikezawa, M.; Okabe, T. H.; Oishi, T.; Ono, K.Preparation of TiAl and Ti3Al Powders by Calciothermic Reduction of Oxides-Materials Transactions, JIM-Jan-1990
bulletin (article)高橋, 義夫; 小野, 勝男結核菌燐脂質による赤血球凝集反応(第1報)Hemagglutination Reaction by the Phosphatides of the Tubercle Bacillus結核の研究TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCHMar-1958
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14


Hokkaido University