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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)YAMAGIWA, Saburo; ONO, Takeshi; SUGANO, Shizuma; INOUE, Mutsumi; NAKAMATSU, Masao; UEMURA, Tamio; IDA, TaijiHISTOPATHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON BOVINE MAMMARY GLAND : IV. MASTITIS IN SLAUGHTERED COW-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-Sep-1963
bulletin (article)YAMAGIWA, Saburo; FUJIMOTO, Yutaka; OHSHIMA, Kanichi; SATOH, Hiroshi; SUGANO, Shizuma; USHIJIMA, JunichiGASTRIC EROSION IN HORSES AFFECTED WITH JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-1959
bulletin (article)大林, 正士; 菅野, 靜馬; 大村, 陽二郎北海道根室地方に於ける牛の血尿症に關する病理組織學的研究 第Ⅱ報Histo-pathological Studies on the Bovine Haematuria in Nemuro, Hokkaido. Ⅱ.北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-31-Jul-1952
bulletin (article)藤本, 胖; 菅野, 靜馬; 小林, 卓一北海道根室地方に於ける牛の血尿症に關する病理組織學的研究 第Ⅰ報Histo-pathological Studies on the Bovine Haematuria in Nemuro, Hokkaido. Ⅰ.北海道大學農學部邦文紀要-31-Jul-1952
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4


Hokkaido University