Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Ueda, R.; Watanabe, K. Y.; Matsumoto, Y.; Itagaki, M.; Sato, M.; Oikawa, S. | Characteristics of magnetic island formation due to resistive interchange instability in helical plasma | - | Physics of Plasmas | - | May-2014 |
proceedings | SHIMA, H.; SATO, M. | ELASTIC AND PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF CARBON NANOTUBES | - | Proceedings of the Thirteenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13) | - | 11-Sep-2013 |
article (author version) | Kim, H. J.; Endo, D.; Sato, M.; Matsuo, T.; Matsuto, T. | Estimation of water movement in a closed landfill based on tracer tests in gas vents and changes in leachate quality | - | Waste Management | - | Aug-2009 |
article (author version) | Yambao, M. L. M.; Yagihashi, H.; Sekiguchi, H.; Sekiguchi, T.; Sasaki, T.; Sato, M.; Atsumi, G.; Tacahashi, Y.; Nakahara, K. S.; Uyeda, I. | Point mutations in helper component protease of clover yellow vein virus are associated with the attenuation of RNA-silencing suppression activity and symptom expression in broad bean | - | Archives of Virology | - | Jan-2008 |
article (author version) | Wakabayashi, R.; Sasaki, S.; Saita, I.; Sato, M.; Uesugi, H.; Akiyama, T. | Self-ignition combustion synthesis of TiFe in hydrogen atmosphere | - | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | - | 8-Jul-2009 |
bulletin (article) | 高桑, 栄松; 小野, 昌憲; 川村, 繁市; 有末, 四郎; 佐藤, 睦広; 小野, 英夫; 則武, 徳雄; 小池, 晃弘 | 非定型抗酸菌の分布に関する疫学的研究(第2報) | Epidemiological Studies on the Distribution of Atypical Acid-fast Bacillus (Part Ⅱ) | 結核の研究 | TUBERCULOSIS RESEARCH | 25-Mar-1966 |
bulletin (article) | 佐藤, 昌彦 | 法律学としての犯罪学 | Criminology as Legal Science | 法經會論叢 | The Hokeikai Ronso : The Review of The Society of Law and Economics | Oct-1955 |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7