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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)Douglas, Ronald G.; Nakazi, Takahiko; Seto, MichioShift Operators on the ${\Bbb C}^2$-valued Hardy Space-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2007
article (author version)Nakazi, Takahiko; Seto, MichioDouble Commuting Compressed Shifts and Generalized Interpolation in the Hardy Space over the Bidisk-Integral Equations and Operator Theory-Dec-2006
bulletin (article)Nakazi, Takahiko; Seto, MichioDouble commuting compressed shifts and generalized interpolation in the Hardy space over the bidisk-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2006
bulletin (article)Izuchi, Keiji; Nakazi, Takahiko; Seto, MichioBackward shift invariant subspaces in the bidisc III-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2004
bulletin (article)Seto, MichioSubmodules of L^2(R^2)-Hokkaido University Preprint Series in Mathematics-2004
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


Hokkaido University