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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleYamamoto, Masanobu; Nam, Seung-Il; Polyak, Leonid; Kobayashi, Daisuke; Suzuki, Kenta; Irino, Tomohisa; Shimada, KojiHolocene dynamics in the Bering Strait inflow to the Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre circulation based on sedimentary records from the Chukchi Sea-Climate of the Past-8-Sep-2017
article (author version)Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Shimada, Koji; Imai, IchiroHorizontal distribution of calanoid copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during the summer of 2008-Polar Science-Apr-2012
articleNakayama, Yuta; Fujita, Satoshi; Kuma, Kenshi; Shimada, KojiIron and humic-type fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Chukchi Sea and Canada Basin of the western Arctic Ocean-Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans-29-Jul-2011
article (author version)Shibata, Midori; Abe, Jun-ichi; Itoh, Hiroaki; Shimada, Koji; Umeda, SatoshiNeural processing associated with comprehension of an indirect reply during a scenario reading task-Neuropsychologia-Nov-2011
proceedingsShimada, Koji; Sasaoka, Naoto; Takemoto, Takafumi; Itoh, Yoshio; Fujii, KensakuSpeech Noise Reduction System Based on Adaptive Filter with Variable Step Size Using Cross-Correlation-Proceedings : APSIPA ASC 2009 : Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2009 Annual Summit and Conference-4-Oct-2009
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


Hokkaido University