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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleWatanabe, Toshihiro; Urayama, Masaru; Shinano, Takuro; Okada, Ryosuke; Osaki, MitsuruApplication of ionomics to plant and soil in fields under long-term fertilizer trials-Springerplus-18-Dec-2015
article (author version)SHINANO, TAKURO; NAKAJIMA, KANTO; WASAKI, JUN; MORI, HARUHIDE; ZHENG, TEI; OSAKI, MITSURUDevelopmental regulation of photosynthate distribution in leaves of rice-Photosynthetica-2006
article (author version)Okazaki, Keiki; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruDifference in Carbon Distribution of Initial Photoassimilates between Soybean and Rice as Revealed by 20 s Pulse-300 s Chase Experiments-Soil Science and Plant Nutrition-Oct-2005
article (author version)Watanabe, Toshihiro; Enomoto, Takumi; Sakurai, Michihiko; Okamoto, Miwa; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruDifferences in acquisition of organic nitrogen in soils between bok choy and tomato-Journal of Plant Nutrition-26-Jun-2012
article (author version)SHINANO, Takuro; OSAWA, Motonari; SOEJIMA, Hiroshi; OSAKI, MITSURUEffect of panicle removal on cytokinin level in the xylem and nitrogen uptake activity of rice-Soil Science and Plant Nutrition-Jun-2006
article (author version)Shinano, Takuro; Nanamori, M.; Dohi, M.; Wasaki, J.; Osaki, M.Evaluation of phosphorus starvation inducible bypasses to increase the effieciency of phosphorus utilization in riceEvaluation of phosphorus starvation inducible genes relating to efficient phosphorus utilization in ricePlant and Soil-Feb-2005
article (author version)Sakai, Yuki; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Wasaki, Jun; Senoura, Takeshi; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruInfluence of arsenic stress on synthesis and localization of low-molecular-weight thiols in Pteris vittata-Environmental Pollution-Dec-2010
articleWatanabe, Toshihiro; Maejima, Eriko; Yoshimura, Tomoko; Urayama, Masaru; Yamauchi, Aiko; Owadano, Masako; Okada, Ryosuke; Osaki, Mitsuru; Kanayama, Yoshinori; Shinano, TakuroThe Ionomic Study of Vegetable Crops-PLoS ONE-1-Aug-2016
article (author version)Nanamori, Masahiko; Shinano, Takuro; Wasaki, Jun; Yamamura, Takuya; Rao, Idupulapati M.; Osaki, MitsuruLow Phosphorus Tolerance Mechanisms: Phosphorus Recycling and Photosynthate Partitioning in the Tropical Forage Grass, Brachiaria Hybrid cultivar Mulato Compared with Rice-Plant and Cell Physiology-Apr-2004
article (author version)Fukuda, Takuya; Saito, Akira; Wasaki, Jun; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruMetabolic alterations proposed by proteome in rice roots grown under low P and high Al concentration under low pH-Plant Science-Jun-2007
article (author version)Benkeblia, Noureddine; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruMetabolite profiling and assessment of metabolome compartmentation of soybean leaves using non-aqueous fractionation and GC-MS analysis-Metabolomics-Sep-2007
article (author version)Unno, Yusuke; Okubo, Kenzo; Wasaki, Jun; Shinano, Takuro; Osaki, MitsuruPlant growth promotion abilities and microscale bacterial dynamics in the rhizosphere of Lupin analysed by phytate utilization ability-Environmental Microbiology-Mar-2005
proceedings (author version)Tokuhisa, Dai; Okazaki, Keiki; Shinano, Takuro; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Yokoi, Daisuke; Osaki, MitsuruRice Root Growth with Increasing in Plant Hormone and Allantoin by Inosine in Nutrient Solution-The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium-14-Aug-2009
article (author version)Begum, Hasna Hena; Osaki, Mitsuru; Nanamori, Masahito; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Shinano, Takuro; Rao, Idupulapati M.Role of Phospho enol pyruvate Carboxylase in the Adaptation of a Tropical Forage Grass to Low-Phosphorus Acid Soils-Journal of Plant Nutrition-Jan-2006
articlePengnoo, Ashara; Hashidoko, Yasuyuki; Onthong, Jumpen; Gimsanguan, Sayjai; Sae-ong, Manoon; Shinano, Takuro; Watanabe, Toshihiro; Osaki, MitsuruScreening of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms in rhizosphere and rhizoplane of adverse soil-adapting plants in Southern Thailand-Tropics-31-Jan-2007
bulletin (article)早岡, 英介; 久保田, 直; 信濃, 卓郎; 本田, 紀生パネルディスカッション : 福島の再生と科学技術コミュニケーションThe Panel Discussion : How Science Communicators Can Contribute to Regeneration of Fukushima科学技術コミュニケーションJapanese Journal of Science CommunicationJul-2015
bulletin (article)信濃, 卓郎研究所の情報発信のためのサイエンスカフェの活用とその効果 : 北海道農業研究センター「クラークの丘から」の実践報告Use of Science Café as an Information Dispatch of NARCH科学技術コミュニケーションJapanese Journal of Science CommunicationJun-2011
bulletin (article)木村, 園子; 田島, 亮介; 由田, 宏一; 中嶋, 博; 信濃, 卓郎; 大崎, 満高CO2条件がサイトウの生育に及ぼす影響 : 葉におけるデンプンと窒素の蓄積に関連してEffects of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Growth of Common : Bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L. )with Relation to Starch and Nitrogen Accumulation in Leaves北海道大学農学部農場研究報告Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University29-Mar-2001
bulletin (article)信濃, 卓郎農業再建への研究者としての取り組みEffort for Reconstruction of Agriculture as a Researcher科学技術コミュニケーションJapanese Journal of Science CommunicationJul-2015
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19


Hokkaido University