Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Zhu, Yanhui; Mizutani, Kosuke; Minami, Kenji; Shirakawa, Hokuto; Kawauchi, Yohei; Shao, Huamei; Tomiyasu, Makoto; Iwahara, Yuka; Tamura, Tsutomu; Ogawa, Masahiro; Tatsuyama, Kai; Miyashita, Kazushi | Target Strength Measurements of Free-Swimming Sandeel Species, Ammodytes spp., in a Large Indoor Experimental Aquarium | - | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | - | 14-Jul-2022 |
article | Ishikawa, Hiroshi; Otsuki, Mayuko; Tamura, Tsutomu; Konishi, Kenji; Bando, Takaharu; Ishizuka, Mayumi; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Mitani, Yoko | Foraging ecology of mature male Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) revealed by stable isotope analysis of baleen plates | - | Polar Science | - | Mar-2022 |
article | Uchida, Mayuka; Suzuki, Ippei; Ito, Keizo; Ishizuka, Mayumi; Ikenaka, Yoshinori; Nakayama, Shouta M. M.; Tamura, Tsutomu; Konishi, Kenji; Bando, Takeharu; Mitani, Yoko | Estimation of the feeding record of pregnant Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of baleen plates | - | Polar biology | - | Mar-2021 |
article | Ishii, Midori; Murase, Hiroto; Fukuda, Yoshiaki; Sawada, Kouichi; Sasakura, Toyoki; Tamura, Tsutomu; Bando, Takeharu; Matsuoka, Koji; Shinohara, Akira; Nakatsuka, Sayaka; Katsumata, Nobuhiro; Okazaki, Makoto; Miyashita, Kazushi; Mitani, Yoko | Diving behavior of sei whales Balaenoptera borealis relative to the vertical distribution of their potential prey | - | Mammal study | - | Dec-2017 |
bulletin (article) | 福井, 博一; 今河, 茂; 田村, 勉 | リンゴの早期落果と関連した胚の発育要因の解明 | Investigations on the Factors of In Vitro Embryo Development in Relation to Early Fruit Drop in Apple | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 31-Mar-1990 |
bulletin (article) | 田村, 勉; 平田, 行正; 鈴木, 卓; 今河, 茂; 福井, 博一 | リンゴ花芽の発育段階の判別指標としての花芽横径 | Diameters of Flower Primordia as an Indicator for the Differentiation of the Developmental Stages of Apple Flower Primordia | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 20-Jan-1987 |
bulletin (article) | 福井, 博一; 村上, 保之; 原田, 隆; 田村, 勉 | ハイブッシュブルーベリーの茎頂の生長に及ぼす生長調節物質の影響とその季節的変化 | Response of Highbush Blueberry Axillary Leaf Bud Apices to Growth Regulators and its Seasonal Changes | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 31-Mar-1986 |
bulletin (article) | 太田, 象一郎; 田村, 勉 | リンゴ果実の発育に伴う果肉組織のカルス形成能力の変化について | Changes in Callus Formation from Apple Flesh Tissue During Fruit Development | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 18-Oct-1984 |
bulletin (article) | 福井, 博一; 増田, 哲男; 今河, 茂; 田村, 勉 | リンゴの花芽分化に及ぼす果実発育期の温度の影響 | Effect of Temperatures in Various Periods of Fruit Development on Flower bud Initiation in Apple | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 18-Oct-1984 |
bulletin (article) | FUKUI, Hirokazu; IMAKAWA, Shigeru; TAMURA, Tsutomu | Relation between Early Fruit Drop and Embryo Development in Apple | - | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University | 北海道大學農學部紀要 | Mar-1984 |
bulletin (article) | 澤田, 英吉; 田村, 勉; 八鍬, 利郎; 原田, 隆; 今河, 茂; 山本, 茂雄; 佐藤, 滋樹; 山吹, 一芳 | アスパラガスにおける雄性系統の育成に関する研究 : 第1報 超雄株(MM)の選抜と雄性系統の試作について | Studies on the Breeding All-male Cultivar in Asparagus : I. Obtaining of a supermale plant and breeding of an all-male strain for trial | 北海道大学農学部農場研究報告 | Research bulletin of the University Farm Hokkaido University | 10-Mar-1983 |
bulletin (article) | 増田, 哲男; 今河, 茂; 田村, 勉 | リンゴ果実の着色に関する研究 : 第1報 着色系品種におけるアントシアニン生成と果実の発育段階について | Studies on the Colouration of Apple Fruit : Ⅰ. Relation between anthocyanin formation and growth stage of fruit in red apple caltivars | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 24-Oct-1980 |
bulletin (article) | 増田, 哲男; 今河, 茂; 田村, 勉 | リンゴ果実の着色に関する研究 : 第2報 アントシアニン生成に及ぼす生長調節物質の影響と果実の発育段階について | Studies on the Colouration of Apple Fruit : Ⅱ. Relation between effect of growth regulators on anthocyanin formation and growth stage of fruit | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 24-Oct-1980 |
bulletin (article) | AGATSUMA, Masamichi; TAMURA, Tsutomu | Change in the Chemical Compositions of Apple Fruit : Ⅰ. Ethylene Evolution in Apple Tissue and Seed at Various Stages of Maturity | - | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University | 北海道大學農學部紀要 | Jan-1974 |
bulletin (article) | 田村, 勉; 中島, 武彦; 今河, 茂; 肥口, 一雄; 三野, 義雄 | 露地メロンの貯蔵に関する研究 : (第2報) 品質保持に及ぼす熟度とガス組成の影響 | Studies on melon storage : Ⅱ. Effects of maturity and gas component on the quality during storage | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 15-Dec-1973 |
bulletin (article) | 中島, 武彦; 田村, 勉; 今河, 茂 | リンゴ果実の熟度に関する研究 : (第2報) 貯蔵果の品質から判定した収穫適期 | Studies on apple maturity : Ⅱ. The optimum harvest date determined from the quality of stored fruits | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 15-Dec-1973 |
bulletin (article) | 我妻, 正廸; 田村, 勉 | リンゴ果実の成熟機構に関する研究 (第1報) : 果実の成熟と種子登熟との関係について | Studies on maturation process in apple fruit : Ⅰ. The Relationship between Fruit Maturity and Seed Ripening in Jonathan | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 15-Dec-1973 |
bulletin (article) | 田村, 勉; 種田, 俊一郎; 国島, 修 | ビニールハウス土壌の塩類濃度障害について | Studies on the accumulation of excess soluble salts in vinyl-house soils | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 31-Mar-1971 |
bulletin (article) | 嵯峨, 紘一; 田村, 勉 | トウガラシ果実の発育に伴う成分の消長特に辛味成分について | Studies on the changes of some constituents in the fruits in relation to the growth of pepper fruits, especially on development of capsaicin in the fruits | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 1970 |
bulletin (article) | 田村, 勉 | 南瓜 (C. maxima Duchn) の開花機構に関する研究 | Studies on the mechanism of the blooming in squash (C.maxima Duchn) | 北海道大学農学部邦文紀要 | - | 20-Apr-1963 |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 24