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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Sugawara, Hirotake; Sakai, Y.; Tagashira, H.; Kitamori, K.The spatio-temporal development of electron swarms in gases: moment equation analysis and Hermite polynomial expansion-Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics-Feb-1998
articleShimozuma, M.; Date, H.; Iwasaki, T.; Tagashira, H.; Yoshino, M.; Yoshida, K.Three-dimensional deposition of TiN film using low frequency (50 Hz) plasma chemical vapor deposition-Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films-Jul-1997
article (author version)Sugawara, H.; Sakai, Y.; Tagashira, H.Properties of electron swarms in gases in the upstream region of an electron source-Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics-14-Jan-1995
articleShimozuma, M.; Tochitani, G.; Ohno, H.; Tagashira, H.; Nakahara, J.Hydrogenated amorphous carbon films deposited by low-frequency plasma chemical vapor deposition at room temperature-Journal of Applied Physics-1-Jul-1989
bulletin (article)Sakai, Y.; Tagashira, H.; Sakamoto, S.The Cathode Effects on the Mean Energy of Electron Swarm in Argon-Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University北海道大学工学部紀要May-1972
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


Hokkaido University